謝和修受訪時表示,「北極震盪」是在80年代才發現, 經過多年研究,發現台灣也曾於民國52年1月8日出現超低溫紀錄,台北地區更在1月28日低溫跌破零度,由於當時聖嬰現象並不強,因此推測與「北極震盪」有較大關聯性。
多數民眾對「北極震盪」甚為陌生,謝和修將北極比喻為裝水的碗, 當冷低壓減慢,碗壁變淺,冷空氣就如碗中的水一樣,會慢慢外流出來,導致中高緯度地區氣溫「溜滑梯」。他說,出現「聖嬰」、「反聖嬰」預報期為1年至1年半,但是因為「北極震盪」週期性較不規律,也較難預測,因此去年氣象預報皆稱會出現「暖冬」。
除「北極震盪」外,是否還有「南極震盪」的說法?謝和修表示, 因為受到環流影響,也會出現「太平洋震盪」、「南極震盪」、「北大西洋震盪」、「北太平洋震盪」等具週期性的現象,至於位處中低緯度的台灣則受「太平洋震盪」影響極大,即是「聖嬰」與「反聖嬰」現象,「南極震盪」則對北半球不具影響力。
天氣風險公司總經理彭啟明與文化大學土地資源系副教授楊之遠投稿 媒體指出,北極震盪約每10年發生一次,不過可預報度甚低,僅一至兩週的預報期,可能造成北半球大範圍低溫現象,1月下旬前可望恢復正常狀況。
北半球出現的極端氣候, 英國遭逢29年來持續時間最久的一道冷鋒,南韓首爾出現近7年來最冷的攝氏零下14度,北京近日降雪更創下1951年以來新高紀錄,氣象專家表示,是因為北極的環流強度在去年12月10日,出現60年來最弱的一次,造成所謂的「北極震盪」(Arctic Oscillation)。
氣象局預報中心主任鄭明典對「北極震盪」做出明確解釋, 指在北極有個低壓區,氣流呈順時針環流轉動,強弱交替是正常的大氣現象,若出現「正相位」,北半球會變暖,「負相位」則因弱環流,北半球會受冷空氣壟罩。
此外是否因暖化造成此極端氣候的出現,地球真的有暖化嗎? 根據科羅拉多州的美國大氣研究中心氣象專家的說法,指北極震盪產生的寒冬是自然現象,目前原因不明,不過暖化則會造成極端氣候出現頻率增加,包括熱浪、乾旱,甚至是寒流,且暖化持續進行下,寒流帶來創紀錄的超低溫,未來會逐漸減少。
英國劍橋大學是考特極地研究院(Scott Polar Research Institute)的兩位科學家得研究指出,位於福藍海峽(Fram Strait),介於司伐爾巴得(Svalbard)及格林蘭(Greenland)間的海冰在近20年間厚度已變薄近43%,也會連帶影響高緯度的氣候狀況。目前也有許多科學家認定,造成北極海冰變薄的最主要原因除了人為影響外,部份是受到自然氣候現象北極震盪影響所致。
鄭明典指出,台灣位於冷氣團邊陲,暫時不會受太大影響, 不至於出現像歐洲、北美與中國嚴重的暴風雪,不過因北極震盪成因不明,範圍會不會擴大,甚至波及台灣,仍待觀察。
【Arctic Oscillation (AO) time series, 1899 - June 2002】+04
《Definition And Analyses》
The AO is the dominant pattern of non-seasonal sea-level pressure (SLP) variations north of 20N, and it is characterized by SLP anomalies of one sign in the Arctic and anomalies of opposite sign centered about 37-45N. Additional information is available for the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and for the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), a close relative of the AO.
The following two figures are from Hodges (2000).
Fluctuations in the AO can be seen in the time series of SLP anomalies for the North Pole
AO time series plot for 1900-2000 shows strong shift to high index in mid-1980s.
The "high index" of the AO is defined as periods of below normal Arctic SLP, enhanced surface westerlies in the north Atlantic, and warmer and wetter than normal conditions in northern Europe. This is depicted as the "warm phase" in the following figure. "Low index" AO conditions are described in the "cool phase" panel.
Both North Atlantic and North Pole views of AO high and low index conditions.
Additional analyses of how the AO is manifested in precipitation and surface air temperatures anomalies are available through this link.
The following are two analyses of January-February-March means of the AO time series "AO_TREN_NCEP_Jan1899Current.ascii" on Dave Thompson's AO WWW page. The digital values of the JFM-means are provided at the bottom of the present page.
The JFM AO exhibits generally positive values from 1899 through 1939, negative values for 1940-88, and positive values for 1989-present. This index is standardized with respect to 1950-99.
JFM-mean AO for 1950-2002, see above caption
# Thompson, D. W. J., and J. M. Wallace, 1998: The Arctic Oscillation signature in the wintertime geopotential height and temperature fields. Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, No. 9, 1297-1300.
# Hodges, G., 2000. The new cold war. Stalking arctic climate change by submarine. National Geographic, March, 30-41.
The time series here is "AO_TREN_NCEP_Jan1899Current.ascii" from Dave Thompson's WWW site.
January-February-March means, standardized with respect to 1950-99.
# table organized by decade
# 2-column table (year, data value)
# 1-column table (data values only)
JFM-means * 100.
+0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1890 -15
1900 -143 6 -23 179 45 85 2 82 47 -71
1910 81 102 -38 134 88 -116 42 -43 49 -100
1920 159 104 22 47 -86 53 31 60 90 -63
1930 67 -103 28 -44 86 85 -176 -12 122 36
1940 -164 -125 -82 93 50 -57 -11 -176 137 120
1950 44 -50 -85 45 52 -110 -53 -17 -149 91
1960 -160 24 -23 -89 13 -94 -147 108 11 -211
1970 -142 -46 27 121 3 92 103 -125 -30 -84
1980 -86 -8 58 35 -14 -84 16 -78 4 257
1990 238 21 137 187 41 82 -26 120 -19 -2
2000 93 -59 133
Monthly means. Anomalies are with respect to 1950-2001, but the time series has not been standardized.
# table organized by years and calendar months
# 3-column table (year, month, data value)
# One-column table (data only)
Monthly-means * 100.
jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
1899 77 -19 -112 -10 -33 -21 -39 -63 5 13 65 -176
1900 -84 -260 -160 58 32 -23 -23 -13 117 27 -22 72
1901 97 -109 31 67 -32 23 -15 5 -14 -58 -1 -119
1902 41 -151 25 -139 -63 -154 -64 -104 -37 -3 -26 60
1903 69 350 204 -72 -4 -176 -59 -27 0 -57 44 -84
1904 129 30 -4 124 41 -34 -28 -73 -56 -40 26 23
1905 175 90 32 -152 65 -8 -3 -55 -5 -106 -13 91
1906 30 -70 45 53 -123 -106 -30 -101 -18 -27 -201 9
1907 31 66 186 -30 -119 -79 -126 -39 -41 -103 -40 -103
1908 97 29 38 -47 49 -37 -58 -24 17 -45 -50 -15
1909 45 -38 -259 17 -122 -66 38 57 -71 -91 -38 -111
1910 189 85 9 -20 -41 -35 -45 -87 -11 28 -306 -85
1911 110 171 74 75 50 -27 -65 -47 4 -55 40 -10
1912 -67 -102 36 63 35 -64 -60 -102 -143 -69 7 104
1913 63 104 299 38 10 43 -70 -64 -85 -70 126 32
1914 139 146 20 145 164 48 -48 -45 -11 -76 38 83
1915 -123 -60 -226 82 -88 -74 -77 -103 -109 -122 -166 -120
1916 265 101 -222 -37 -38 -82 18 -7 -26 117 23 -255
1917 -128 5 -28 -148 -134 19 -10 -48 133 22 69 -146
1918 -197 284 82 -34 68 38 -163 -5 2 -30 -10 -29
1919 -97 -171 -84 27 -75 24 -6 29 47 -139 -142 43
1920 116 155 283 -102 19 -55 37 -65 -31 -110 109 -112
1921 185 -23 198 -28 -2 -69 7 -18 -40 -39 -205 108
1922 -90 146 18 -56 29 33 -16 -76 -32 -184 -11 36
1923 168 -36 28 -13 -36 -29 6 -60 -7 2 -90 36
1924 22 -113 -213 -56 -11 -35 75 26 58 -15 54 137
1925 228 39 -84 125 -36 12 -49 -3 38 -40 -28 -125
1926 25 11 69 10 -113 -123 64 15 10 -134 -21 -36
1927 104 -25 128 95 -38 -18 -13 -29 -53 -62 38 -173
1928 222 166 -75 5 -86 -68 45 -39 2 14 1 -16
1929 -281 -102 159 -2 -2 -67 -2 -32 -15 41 5 61
1930 137 40 55 -88 42 37 -21 -61 -102 -42 64 -34
1931 -132 -48 -182 -1 -42 -64 -4 -32 -10 38 53 128
1932 258 1 -162 -46 -66 -68 -20 4 51 -4 61 112
1933 66 -188 -34 -34 -24 -4 53 96 -79 -97 11 -16
1934 157 163 -20 -37 119 -42 -29 -21 -80 18 -33 -65
1935 29 266 1 -147 -87 -30 88 35 -20 65 -36 -273
1936 -249 -309 -60 -37 -12 5 -18 11 -14 23 53 214
1937 127 77 -248 19 40 25 -12 39 79 -45 -106 -223
1938 84 62 277 70 14 84 32 41 24 72 72 -96
1939 -103 215 12 46 2 -21 -32 -2 15 -30 31 -31
1940 -355 -90 -129 -11 -41 -16 -15 45 -6 -68 91 -3
1941 -145 -183 -110 -80 25 42 46 -23 8 31 14 74
1942 -41 -228 -20 14 21 -37 24 28 69 -14 21 37
1943 -78 257 144 240 77 -21 -4 -83 9 -21 -29 56
1944 155 39 -22 15 80 -12 -36 76 49 49 -150 -999
1945 -275 -7 78 43 -17 -57 -20 77 -8 48 -23 -244
1946 58 -83 -16 115 -62 11 31 6 -22 25 17 -101
1947 25 -523 -121 190 25 -38 55 -7 100 78 -277 -178
1948 62 111 303 114 -29 -52 -6 16 33 97 84 69
1949 221 221 -25 164 -35 -56 8 14 -30 94 -118 -75
1950 28 80 44 33 31 63 -52 -51 47 -14 -55 -175
1951 32 -15 -195 -74 -57 -80 21 -23 -59 6 41 224
1952 63 -163 -199 68 -73 -45 58 21 -26 -45 -180 -155
1953 -43 31 167 -104 -42 8 53 27 101 11 71 141
1954 31 62 87 40 -164 -16 45 17 39 63 14 31
1955 -58 -156 -172 2 7 -29 63 106 39 15 -120 -40
1956 -106 -179 99 -93 146 23 -16 -52 6 108 -2 2
1957 272 -162 -172 37 -82 -64 -49 21 -74 96 -105 103
1958 -95 -173 -255 -29 -34 -116 -56 -71 14 57 30 -165
1959 -189 315 190 1 -29 -4 19 -70 -7 -27 -126 0
1960 -222 -185 -153 -35 -85 2 -52 -93 -34 -122 -50 -20
1961 -92 120 53 -45 20 75 -6 9 91 -8 10 -179
1962 196 10 -288 108 -10 18 -91 20 -6 -7 -87 -47
1963 -286 -107 78 -52 79 -65 -25 -60 38 101 -33 -66
1964 112 -34 -33 35 88 18 88 -113 -28 18 -37 -28
1965 -70 -187 -73 45 -22 5 -48 -12 -69 45 -137 -2
1966 -290 -136 -90 -221 113 49 9 -87 25 -139 18 -151
1967 -2 173 204 155 2 64 26 -10 46 123 43 -33
1968 -32 -157 224 28 -22 35 -61 -55 -108 -113 -182 -83
1969 -308 -291 -140 64 -60 -23 45 -68 7 2 44 -139
1970 -210 -87 -201 14 47 99 21 -15 4 -16 44 -22
1971 1 -77 -88 -58 84 -69 -42 96 27 105 55 79
1972 54 25 13 78 19 -13 -46 15 -90 30 -38 153
1973 203 120 98 -137 13 55 41 33 28 21 0 18
1974 54 -34 -13 50 -55 -14 43 -40 -17 -112 -28 63
1975 193 85 42 23 -53 -42 55 27 125 11 88 162
1976 51 222 86 51 11 26 -7 86 -49 -95 24 -192
1977 -338 -147 45 124 24 -25 -44 -122 65 -9 64 -1
1978 44 -237 84 -91 4 49 -49 -17 -6 81 285 -91
1979 -185 -48 -62 -144 -20 74 13 -53 4 -118 57 158
1980 -172 -7 -122 -30 -107 56 -52 -26 35 -64 -105 4
1981 78 24 -132 56 34 -50 60 -8 -106 -162 5 -104
1982 -59 135 124 138 -31 -117 18 33 60 -51 84 134
1983 204 -85 2 -89 -49 33 29 119 2 111 -10 43
1984 116 25 -193 -29 51 -4 4 65 -34 -48 -67 68
1985 -222 -149 73 47 -40 -47 -31 -6 -2 88 -113 -179
1986 1 -205 259 -1 36 63 -1 -67 2 131 101 55
1987 -31 -102 -143 52 37 -72 -31 -85 24 -13 -36 -33
1988 85 -67 -7 -48 -78 15 -11 32 102 6 33 200
1989 362 360 174 -31 84 29 96 65 87 80 15 -35
1990 135 341 355 191 121 23 -18 -3 -18 47 39 143
1991 117 -9 -36 59 60 -27 -7 97 -3 -37 53 204
1992 164 176 138 -68 141 -24 27 55 -67 -43 86 181
1993 406 112 133 -27 -148 -60 -51 -34 -35 -55 133 -7
1994 -14 -48 203 17 4 145 50 89 -1 8 187 117
1995 54 179 53 -99 -84 -6 -11 65 -25 -4 -43 -147
1996 -61 78 -111 -142 -30 36 75 24 -112 -7 17 -153
1997 35 253 130 51 -95 -80 -22 30 37 -90 -31 29
1998 -156 72 17 -2 52 -90 -26 60 -92 0 -130 151
1999 41 95 -147 16 17 79 -1 -46 12 -25 89 102
2000 138 182 4 -26 99 56 -58 14 58 15 -150 -226
2001 -26 -25 -155 87 46 -17 6 59 -55 46 130 -96
2002 196 152 116 54 42 59
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good~ keep sharing with us, please....I will waiting your up date everyday!! Have a nice day........................................