







2016年2月29日 星期一




A strong oxidation agent, composed of 2 hydrogen and 2 oxygen atoms, able to kill viruses, bacteria, fungi and useful in various ways in your home is the hydrogen peroxide.
These are the 24 useful ways by hydrogen peroxide:
Useful in food preparation and decontamination:
 1.Food preparation – several test results declared that pairing the hydrogen peroxide with vinegar can kill salmonella, shigella or E. coli bacteria. It is nontoxic so also can be used as cleaner for food preparation areas.
2.Marinade – take one piece of meat, maybe fish or whatever you like actually and put it in one jar with equal part of water and 3% h202 and leave it in the refrigerator for 1/2 hours.
3.Meat sanitizing – rinse off the meat with it before cooking.
4.Vegetable soak – If you want to kill the bacteria which lays on your vegetables add 1/4 cup of 3% h202 to full sink filled with cold water. Leave the soak skinned 20 minutes, thicker skinned 30 minutes. Also there is other option of spraying them. Take the vegetables, spray them with 3% and leave them for 3 minutes. Rinse, dry them and refrigerate.
5.Sprouting seeds – every time the same amount of hydrogen peroxide need to be used. For example take 1 ounce 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1 pint of water. Dose them strictly overnight.
6.Leftover salad – before you refrigerate your leftovers take 1/2 cup water and 1 tablespoon of 5% hydrogen peroxide and spray the leftovers with it. Drain them after and cover them.
Cleaning expert and useful disinfectant:
7.Household – Fresh smell firstly is guaranteed after you wash and clean table topics and counters with the hydrogen peroxide in your kitchen. If you want to disinfect your bathroom without doing any damage around use 50/50 mixture of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water. The fridge can be cleaned with spraying 3% hydrogen peroxide inside it. Glass, mirrors, floors and toilets also are shining after the clean.
8.Dishwasher – From time to time you need to disinfect your dishwasher. One great option for disinfection is adding 2 oz. of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the regular washing formula.
  • For the record, utilize two spray bottles instead of blending them. Fill your first bottle with straight vinegar and the second bottle with hydrogen peroxide. While cleaning, spray first vinegar and on it the peroxide. The moment they mix the chemical reaction is very powerful and useful at the same time, so practice this.
9.Steamers – put one gallon of water and 1 pint 3% hydrogen peroxide use it for cleaning the air.
10.Washing – use it as replacement of bleach. It will keep your garments white indeed. Use one cup for start. If there is blood on your clothes eventually, pour directly on the spot leave it for a minute, rub it and then wash it.
11.Stain remover – if there is blood stain and the stain is old 2 days hydrogen peroxide will clean it. 3% hydrogen peroxide is excellent stain remover. Pour it on stains before the clothes can reach warm water. Take as note that it can also not just bleach but discolor many fabrics.
It found a place in the personal care also, used for teeth whitening, enema, and hair lightening…
12.Hair lightening – spraying 3% hydrogen peroxide with water on your wet hair will give you nice lightening natural dirty blonde colors.
13.Tooth whitening – use 3% hydrogen peroxide only and the color white will be “written” on your teeth.
14.Relaxing in bath – if you want to relax and in the same time remove the toxins from the skin soak yourself in a detox bath, add liter 3% hydrogen peroxide in your warm watered bathtub and leave yourself over there for half hour.
15.Ear wax removal – sometimes the passage of the sound to the tympanic membrane is blocked by the ear wax. This is one problematic case and if you want to remove it use 3% hydrogen and pour few drops to the ear canal. If you after feel crackles in your ear the treat was successful and the wax will be gone soon.
16.Wound disinfections – Open wounds, cuts and similarities can be easily disinfected by the 3% hydrogen peroxide. After applying it on the wound as result of contacting the enzymes creates foam, after the treatment if foam reappears you might call doctor because you have bacterial infection.
17.Toothpaste – if you want to own one good homemade toothpaste take baking soda and mix it with 3% H2O2.
18.Mouthwash – use the capful that comes with the bottle of it. Sip inside and hold it in your mouth for 10 minutes before spitting. The teeth will be whiter and the sores will be gone. If you eventually have toothache do the same routine just a couple of times daily. The pain will be soon gone.
19.Douche – with this treatment of 2 cupfuls of 3% hydrogen peroxide in warm distilled water even the chronic yeast infection can be removed. Do it once to twice a week.
20.Treatment for feet fungi – this kind of infections are really bad and lead to bad odor and skin peeling. Just dissolve hydrogen peroxide in water (50:50) and submerse the feet every evening.
21.Colonic or enema – 1. Colonic – 1 cup 3%h202 to 5 gallons warm water; 2. Enema – 1 tablespoon 3% h202 to quart of distilled water
22.Toothbrush – soak it from time to time into 3% h202 to keep it free of germs.
23.Tooth ache – It is only treating the pathogen that is creating the infection it must not be considered as pain killer. If you are unable to go to dentist, cupful of 3% hydrogen peroxide inside your mouth for 10 minutes couple of times daily is the right solution for your pain.

Source/Reference: www.healthtipsportal.com
Featured image source: http://kulverablog.net/
