September 8, 2016 | Alternative Healing, Health | No Comments |
If you experience joint pain regularly then you will know it’s quite uncomfortable and can be a real bother.
It is a problem that seems to know no bounds and affects all genders and age groups.
Pain felt in the joints can vary from mild to severe.
Joint pain can be caused by the following:
- Gout
- Arthritis
- Broken or dislocated bones
- Fibromyalgia
- Leukemia
- Muscle strains
- Lupus
- Bursitis
There are certain foods which must be avoided if you are to combat joint pains.
- Alcoholic Beverages
When you consume alcoholic beverages excessively you make yourself susceptible to developing gout and rheumatoid arthritis.
This is because the beer you drink has purines that gets transformed to uric acid in your body and this in turn causes inflammation of your joints. Beer is also made with gluten and contains a number of chemicals that can be detrimental to your health.
- Red And Processed Meat
These meat have nitrites and purines that can contribute to increased inflammation and pain in joints. If you eat processed foods often then you increase toxins in your body as these foods are high in toxic advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Consume fresh fish and less meat.
- Artificial And Refined Sugar
If you consume high amounts of refined sugar daily then you increase the cytokines that your body releases which cause inflammation of your joints.
Sugar is also rich in calories, so when you consume it in excess you stand the risk of gaining weight that ultimately leads to increased strain and pressure on your joints.
- Processed Grains And Flour
Processed flour and grains are high in AGEs which are inflammation causing agents and cause inflammation of your joints and the resulting joint pains. Avoid consuming white rice, white pasta, white bread with whole-grain and coconut flour. You can also eat brown rice rather than white rice.
- Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Rich Foods
While MSG is an additive which helps to add flavour to certain food products such as;
- Frozen dinners
- Soups
- Store-bought salad dressings
- Frozen snacks
- Canned and frozen Chinese foods
- Potato chips
If you are a sufferer of rheumatoid arthritis then it is best you avoid consuming foods containing MSG as it causes inflammation of the joints and pain.
- Eggs
Eating eggs excessively can lead to an inflammation of your joints. Egg yolk is high in arachidonic acid that can lead to the production of prostaglandins that causes an inflammation of joints in your body.
Eggs are also high in saturated fat that is known to lead to inflammation of the joints and pain. Consume eggs whites only and discard the yolk to avoid inflammation of your joints.
Source: healthyfoodstar