喝水活動都不自由 日動保團體籲終止「貓頭鷹咖啡」
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療癒系當道,日本近幾年走紅的「貓頭鷹咖啡廳」(owl cafe)主打近距離互動,顧客可以一邊喝咖啡,一邊任意與各種貓頭鷹觸摸、拍照,受到不少年輕族群的歡迎。
不過日本動保團體在今年5月至7月實際走訪,卻發現店內不少貓頭鷹以極短的鍊子栓住,無法自由活動、喝水、整理羽毛,被拍照、觸摸時也無法抵抗。日本動物權利組織 Animal Rights Center 上週發起連署,要求日本環境省、市政廳動物福利單位禁止咖啡廳以猛禽作為招牌動物,至截稿前已有萬人響應。(連署頁面請點此)
不過,日本動物權利組織 Animal Rights Center 指出,貓頭鷹可沒有答應要療癒大眾。這些標榜「互動」的寵物咖啡館,往往只是貓頭鷹單方面的被強迫互動,部分貓頭鷹甚至禁錮在立木上,供消費者任意觸摸。
顧客在貓頭鷹咖啡店內任意觸摸、拍照。圖片來源:Japan AnimalRightsCenter アニマルライツセンター
貓頭鷹無法自由活動、飲水。圖片來源:Japan AnimalRightsCenter アニマルライツセンター | 貓頭鷹無法自由活動、飲水。圖片來源:Japan AnimalRightsCenter アニマルライツセンター |
日本動物權利組織今年5至7月實際走訪各大貓頭鷹咖啡館,拍攝實境影像。來源:Japan AnimalRightsCenter アニマルライツセンター
恐危害本土種 台灣禁止飼養貓頭鷹
台灣目前仍為禁止飼養貓頭鷹。圖為日本貓頭鷹咖啡館內動物狀況。圖片來源:Japan AnimalRightsCenter アニマルライツセンター
圖為日本貓頭鷹咖啡館內動物狀況。圖片來源:Japan AnimalRightsCenter アニマルライツセンター
圖為日本貓頭鷹咖啡館內動物狀況。圖片來源:Japan AnimalRightsCenter アニマルライツセンター
圖為日本貓頭鷹咖啡館內動物狀況。圖片來源:Japan AnimalRightsCenter アニマルライツセンター | 圖為日本貓頭鷹咖啡館內動物狀況。圖片來源:Japan AnimalRightsCenter アニマルライツセンター |
圖為日本貓頭鷹咖啡館內動物狀況。圖片來源:Japan AnimalRightsCenter アニマルライツセンター
圖為日本貓頭鷹咖啡館內動物狀況。圖片來源:Japan AnimalRightsCenter アニマルライツセンター
圖為日本貓頭鷹咖啡館內動物狀況。圖片來源:Japan AnimalRightsCenter アニマルライツセンター
End owls café where the birds are constrained and immobile
“interactive” cafe using raptors such as owls
A business aimed at “interaction” with animals has been spreading the last few years. Among them, cafes using owls are increasing in number.
Being healed by interacting with charming owls with big round eyes, that’s the selling point for the owl café. However, the owls do not agree to heal people.
It’s called “interactive” but there is no “interaction” there. Some are constrained and the others are unilaterally touching them.
Owls are used for commerce, being stuck with a short leash, not able to drink water when they want to, getting their pictures taken, and are not able to fly away when they are touched.
This petition is going to be submitted to the interactive café using raptors, animal welfare legislation in each municipality, and Ministry of the Environment.
- We demand the interactive café to end their business model that uses raptors such as owls.
- We demand the animal welfare legislation in each municipality to discontinue the interactive café using raptors such as owls and to instruct placing water based on the details of standards to be complied with by first class animal handling business operators*[i], Act on Welfare and Management of Animals*2, the measures for achieving the proper care and keeping of animals exhibited*3.
- We demand the Ministry of the Environment to set numerical criteria of animal facilities in the details of standards to be complied with by first class animal handling business operators and measures for achieving the proper care and keeping of animals exhibited*4.
* Please visit Animal Rights Center website for the details of footnotes and issues around interaction with raptors such as owls.
This petition will be delivered to:
- The Ministry of the Environment
- the animal welfare legislation in each municipality
- the interactive café