







2008年10月28日 星期二







由於銀行業的一片混亂,許多華爾街金融家都將在接下來的數月內尋找一個新起點。據芝加哥職業介紹與諮詢機構 Challenger Gray & Christmas 表示,2007年金融服務業減少了130,000個工作崗位,而2008年迄今為止,已經減少了111,000個工作崗位。一些銀行家、分析師和交易商將帶著他們的資金(剩餘資金)、技能與關係開始自己創業。

曼哈頓高階主管職業管理指導 Paul Bernard 表示:「毫無疑問,勇於面對風險的良好心態和專業的分析背景都將有助於『前金融家們』成為成功的企業家。」但他提醒說:『如果你還沒準備好為事業鞠躬盡瘁,或無法接受頭兩年內沒有收入,那麼創業可能不太適合你。』


Doan 獲得了羅格斯大學 (Rutgers University) 的金融學位後,就直接到華爾街工作。她在摩根大通 (JPMorgan Chase) 企業銀行部任職兩年,然後又在滙豐銀行 (HSBC) 任職三年。到1999年時,她認為自己足以創建屬於自己的公司。
Doan 與業務合夥人 Deidra Viney 共拿出了100,000 美元的積蓄,又向一家銀行借了100,000美元,在新澤西州澤西市成立了獵頭特許經營企業 Express Employment Pro。此舉似乎很合理;Doan 曾在大學裏為一家臨時雇員機構工作,而且這兩人在金融服務業擁有廣泛的人力資源關係。然而,他們並沒有想當然地認為自己的公司一定能夠成功;相反,他們花了幾個月的時間來調查當地對職業介紹服務的需求——並發現周邊地區的需求很大。這兩人在半年後實現了業務收支平衡。

現年48歲的 John Childs 曾在 Dean Witter Reynolds(後來被摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 吞併)任投資銀行家,但在1991年經濟衰退時失業。
1991年之後的六年裏,Childs 在加州 Crescent City 任註冊會計師,但是他從來沒有放棄創業的念頭。

因此,他於1998年向 Aaron 傢俱與電子租賃特許經營業務投資了250,000美元(透過95,000美元的房屋淨值貸款以及多張信用卡籌集)。而就在那時,他還有六個孩子需要供養,而且他對電子行業也毫無經驗。
他成功了!Childs 目前在波特蘭市區擁有12家 Aaron 店面。

不止這些,他還拿出100萬美元的積蓄,投入到定於下個月開業的四家 Hand & Stone 水療特許經營店。
Childs 對有抱負的企業家的忠告是:『要有只許成功,不許失敗的信念。』


Josie Natori 應該會同意這種說法。
當 Natori 邁向事業高峰,成為美林證券 (Merrill Lynch) 投資銀行首位女性副總裁時,她渴望更具創造性的工作。
1977年,當她從菲律賓(她的祖國)一位朋友那裏收到一整箱的繡花上衣時,另一位紐約的朋友就建議 Natori 將這些上衣改成睡衣。儘管 Natori 對時裝或設計一無所知,但這些都無關緊要。

Natori 用150,000美元的積蓄開創了新的女性內衣系列,隨後又在菲律賓開設了一家工廠來擴大生產。
如今,Natori Company 旗下擁有衣服、女性內衣和家庭用品,從48美元的一套女士內衣褲到2,700美元的絲質上衣。

此外,還要有硬技能——如按章管理——現年48歲的 Gary Colton 就很擅長這一點。Colton 曾在 Fisher Capital(私募股權龍頭 Kholberg, Kravis, Roberts 的關聯企業)擔任合夥人,其間的十年中經常往返於大西洋沿岸國家。在那之後,他放棄了高度融資業務,轉行成為中學摔跤指導,並且與他的孩子們也有了更多的相處時間。

Colton 與妻子 Marla(一名註冊護士)對護理人員的服務不滿意。因此,2007年3月他們決定用100,000美元的積蓄開辦一家 ComForCare Senior Services 特許經營店。

Colton 的私募股權訓練知識給他提供了很好的幫助。

對於銀行職業生涯中能夠獲得的所有重要商業培訓,你沒必要花幾年時間到華爾街瞭解 Anshuman Shu Vohra 費力摸索出的那些東西。
2004年,透過在摩根大通 (JPMorgan Chase) 併購部門以及其他幾家精品投資銀行獲得多年工作經驗後,Vohra 決定成立一家優質杜松子酒公司。在辭職之前,他用了兩年時間進行策略規劃以及籌資。

儘管 Vohra 大學時期的網球隊友提供了經濟幫助,但他的許多其他朋友和一些過去的銀行同事並沒有向 Vohra 提供經濟援助,因此延誤了公司成立。
Bulldog Gin 最終於2007年初擺上了酒架,但該公司仍未實現收支平衡。

現年30歲的 Vohra 表示:『確保你與投資者的所有協議都是書面形式的。握手時每個人都是朋友,但之後事情也會變質。』

專家預測:受金融危機影響 今年華爾街失業人數恐超20萬

金融危機導致的失業遍布華爾街各個角落,從對沖 基金經理到交易所交易員。年初至今華爾街的失業人數 已經超過11萬。專家預測,今年華爾街的失業人數可能 超過20萬。

新華網報導,由於資金不足,經營環境困難,金融 公司不得不紛紛裁員,即使名氣最響的金融巨頭都未能 幸免。世界最大投行高盛集團22日制訂涉及3,00人的裁 員計劃。巴克萊銀行收購雷曼兄弟公司時裁員3,00人, 美國銀行收購美林證券導致的失業人數也在數千人之多 。

紐約圖羅學院商學院研究生部主任邁克‧威廉姆斯 博士說,人們所熟知的華爾街已經消失,資金匱乏使銀 行和投行無力維持龐大的機構運行,美國金融業即將面 臨自上世紀30年代銀行大量倒閉之後規模最大的裁員潮 。他與一些分析人士認為,到2009年第2季金融失業人 數將達到25萬甚至更多。

美國職業咨詢公司CG&C的總裁約翰‧查林傑指出, 公司將開始規劃2009年業務,由於整個行業都面臨業務 減少、收益預期下降的惡劣環境,公司勢必採取裁員措 施,接下來幾個月中失業人口將會繼續上升。

另外,盡管美國政府對金融業不斷施以援手,但仍 將有不少銀行可能因受不良次貸資產毒害而不得不破產 或被收購,從而導致該行業失業問題進一步加劇。

華爾街盛況不再 高階經理人湧入波灣淘金





據總部設在英國、專門仲介金融人才為主的「eFinanci alCareers」網站統計,過去半年原在華爾街與倫敦金融機構服務者,向中東、特別是海灣六國投石問路者,與以往相比較增加七成。



據阿拉伯聯合大公國專業財經報刊「EmiratesBusiness 247」報導,海灣六國的金融企業並不缺高階經理人,但他們的專業知識與眼界卻遠不如來自華爾街的老手,讓他們更是炙手可熱、待價而沽。


















亞股重挫 台股大跌150點 流動性風險升高






台股量價俱疲 大型股跌停賣單動輒數萬張

全球股市行情疲軟,散戶、法人爭相殺低,但因台股跌幅減半,個股動輒跌停,部份個股面臨數萬張賣單高掛卻無法成交的窘境;如面板股奇美電、友達,直到收盤的跌停委賣張數均達 9萬餘張,中鋼、元大金亦逾 6萬張,似有流動性風險之虞。


在各族群中,面板股今天仍然持續重挫,奇美電收盤跌停委賣張數高達9.6萬張,友達也有9.3萬張,頗令市場側目;至於處於風暴中心的金融股,元大金達 6萬張,中信金亦直逼 5萬張,凱基證、寶來證逾 2萬張;傳產股中,中鋼達6.6萬張,亞泥也接近 2萬張。




港股暴跌1142點 失守13000點大關















眾院批葛老 金融海嘯禍首



葛林斯潘曾經有一整年將聯邦利率維持在1%的低檔,他如今表示,任何人都無法預測到房市會崩盤、金融市場會發生大災難。他本週四出席眾院監督委員會,在長達四小時的聽證過程中,遭到民主黨議員的猛烈抨擊,指責其反對管制的作法,就是造成七十年來最大金融危機的禍首;美國前財長John Snow及證管會主席Christopher Cox也都遭到同樣質疑。







葛林斯潘╱經濟舵手盛名 墜海嘯浮沉



葛林斯潘在五○年代進入美國經濟諮詢委員會(Conference Board)工作,與鋼鐵業建立良好關係,三十歲時即成立鋼鐵業的顧問公司,成為富翁;1968年,巧遇學生時期的樂團夥伴,該夥伴時任尼克森競選幕僚,老葛因而加入了尼克森團隊,從此進入公職生涯。



葛林斯潘與第一任妻子離異後,長達四十年未再婚,其間不斷傳出與媒體名女人的緋聞;1997年以71歲高齡與NBC記者Andrea Mitchell再婚。

全球市場恐慌 美股盤中震盪卻未暴跌





葛林斯潘:信用海嘯席捲美國 但非我疏失















OPEC減產 國際油價仍跌逾三美元



紐約匯市—股市恐慌 利差交易潰散 日元暴升至13年新

周五全球股市再現恐慌賣壓,投資人再度蜂湧拋售 高收益資產,以贖回日元貸款,造成今日日元兌美元劇 烈升值至13年來新高。

全球經濟衰退氣氛持續惡化,明顯削弱利差交易動 力,今日日元兌歐元也應勢升值至6年新高。

英國第3季經濟緊縮,使得今日英鎊跌破1.53美元關 卡。資金自股市逃竄,也讓美元的保值吸引力提高,美 元兌歐元順勢升值至2年來新高。

紐約避險基金公司FX Concepts Inc.投資組合經理 人Scott Ainsbury分析道,現在是市場呈現儲糧準備過 冬的情況,「資金湧向保值目標,槓桿作用的利差交易 轉而冷清。投資回到美元身上。」

紐約時間週五下午4:18,日元兌美元勁揚2.8%,來 到94.62美元。盤中一度觸及90.93美元,創1995年8月來 新高。
日元兌歐元更大漲5.4%至119.09日元。盤中一度升 值至113.81日元,創2002年5月以來最高點。
美元兌歐元也上漲2.7%至1.2580美元,盤中曾升值 至1.2497美元,為2006年10月以來最高紀錄。
本周日元兌美元共升值8.6%,創1998年10月以來紀 錄。兌歐元更大幅揚升13%,創史上紀錄。

全球金融及經濟危機交相壓迫下,今日美元發揮明 顯避險作用,兌大部分交易熱絡貨幣皆大幅升值。
美元兌加元勁揚3%,至4年新高1.2842加元。兌瑞典 幣更大漲4.8%至8.03瑞典幣,創2005年12月以來最大升 幅。

在今日包括白俄羅斯、烏克蘭、匈牙利和冰島等國 加入巴基斯坦行列,希望國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)能夠提 供高達200億美元的緊急紓困貸款後,新興國家貨幣接連 下挫。巴西幣兌美元大貶5%至2.3740巴西幣,南非幣及俄羅斯盧布同聲下跌1.2%,分別來到11.1613南非幣及2 7.1806盧布。

英國國家統計局今天指出,英國第3季國內生產毛額 (GDP)較前季下滑0.5%,為1992年來首見。英鎊兌美元應聲重貶5.9%至1.5269美元,為2002年8月以來最低點。盤中一度貶值超越1992年9月的〝黑色星期三〞,當時的原因是英國被排除在歐洲匯率機制之外。今日對歐元也同步下貶至空前新低81.96便士。


RBS Greenwich Capital Markets Inc.北美國際貨幣策略部主任Alan Ruskin表示,他從未見過這般全球金融市場大屠殺:「還未退出日元利差交易市場者,將眼 睜睜看著它瓦解。」

不過,日本財務省次長杉本和行表示,日元強勁升值,將傷害國內經濟。日本政府也將密切觀察外匯波動 。

今日日經225指數重挫9.6%至7649.08點,創2003年 4月以來新低。也只離1982年來底點僅41點。全球最大數 位相機製造商Canon Inc. (7751-JP;佳能)、電子大廠 Panasonic Corp. (6752-JP)和Sharp Corp.(6753-JP; 夏普),今日股價全部暴跌逾12%,原因是日元走強將削弱公司海外銷售額。


另外,Morgan Stanley(摩根士丹利)外匯分析師St ephen Jen及Spyros Andreopoulos昨日在一份報告中指 出,由於歐洲和英國銀行在新興市場的貸款曝險,尤其是在東歐地區,分別佔其GDP的21%及24%,較美國及日本高出5倍之多。因此歐元及英鎊將進一步下貶。

全球股市潰敗 道瓊工業指數下跌逾三百點





金融危機加油價重挫 挪威股市暴跌近11%


此外,挪威最大銀行DnB NOR的股價也暴跌13.24%。

資金避風港╱日圓對美元 13年最高價




CMC Markets首席外匯策略師賴迪表示:「美元和日圓升值,除了因為市場預期主要央行的利差縮小,全球股市大賣超也是原因之一,當全球股市大跌之際,投資人對風險的喜好就會大幅降低,美元因此得利,日圓等低殖利率貨幣也同蒙其利。」

金融危機連累各行各業 經濟衰退疑慮上升



















台股如何救?儲祥生:政府要謀定後動 砸錢有Guts!

台股跌幅3.5%的限制到昨(24)日暫時告一段落,台 股也以1030家上市櫃公司跌停作收,跌落4600點關卡, 面對跌跌不休的大盤,政府還能拿出什麼救市措施?
德 信投信總經理儲祥生表示,儘管他傾向回復7%跌幅限制 ,但回復後必然有大筆賣壓宣洩,現在能做的恐怕只有 「砸錢」,不過該怎麼砸,必須先想好策略,然後很有 信心的進場,「要有guts」!做出效果,讓投資人恢復 信心。

金融風暴籠罩全球,台股難以自外,儘管有3.5%的 跌幅限制,今日依然跌落4600點關卡,上市櫃共有1030 家公司跌停作收;而在第二階段的跌幅減半限制到期, 下周可能恢復跌幅7%限制,大筆賣單高掛,卻想賣賣不 掉,顯現流動性不足危機,下周台股跟著不妙。

儲祥生指出,不管跌幅是3.5%或7%,都各有優缺點 ,他則傾向於開放回復7%,不過開放後的宣洩賣壓龐大 ,若等待市場自然反應,台股必然不妙,政府勢必要有 所作為。

儲祥生認為,只要政府資金沒壓力,「就是要砸錢 」,砸錢不是賺錢,而是恢復信心,把最大風險控制住 ,這才是政府肩負的使命,其餘就讓市場系統去做。儲 祥生說,如果股票真的便宜,政府都不敢投資,一般投 資人如何有信心。

儲祥生不認為政府還有什麼方法能救市,降低融資 擔保維持率?
儲祥生認為絕對「不能用」,目前市場面 臨的就是信用問題,相對更要謹慎,若是開放,以後將 造成更大的風險。相反的,投資人自行決定追繳與否, 「沒實力就不要玩」,若是真的降低維持率,未來風險 將難以掌控。

如果對外資撤出設限,儲祥生更認為萬萬不可,因 外資也是投資人,投資人有變現需求,就讓他賣,尤其 在贖回壓力下,怎麼跪他、求他還是得賣;至於休市, 更不能輕易做。

金融海嘯衝擊 調查:6成5上班族投資失利




至於仍有 20.6%上班族於百貨週年慶採購費用高於去年,原因在於上班族針對優惠折扣精打細算,「趁機下手購買以省錢」為主要原因。


海外基金贖回 外幣存款暴增



台幣被海貶 8天跌掉3年升幅



昨再貶1.16角 破33.4






美元多單疑惑 央行抬尾






《【妖舞魔亂】German Stocks Drop Most in 19 Years; Daimler, MAN, VW Decline》





German Stocks Drop Most in 19 Years; Daimler, MAN, VW Decline

By Stefanie Haxel

Oct. 24 (Bloomberg) -- German stocks plunged the most in 19 years as investor concern deepened a global economic cooldown will weigh on corporate profits.

MAN AG, Europe's third-largest truckmaker, tumbled to the lowest in more than three years after Volvo AB cut its outlook and Scania AB reported profit figures that trailed analysts' estimates. Daimler AG fell to a 12-year low as several analysts reduced their share-price estimates for the world's largest truckmaker and Oddo & Cie downgraded the shares.

The DAX Index declined 394.77, or 8.7 percent, to 4,124.93 as of 2:36 p.m. in Frankfurt, the lowest since October 1998. DAX Index futures expiring in December lost 8.2 percent. The HDAX Index of the country's 110 biggest companies fell 8.2 percent.

``There's uncertainty about how deep the recession will become and how long it may last,'' said Philipp Musil, who helps oversee 11 billion euros ($14 billion) at Constantia Privatbank in Vienna. ``Investors are extremely unsettled and are selling blindly. There's some panic in the market.''

The DAX Index is heading for a 14 percent drop this week. The benchmark for German equities has fallen 49 percent this year on concern that bank bailouts in the U.S. and Europe won't prevent a recession. Analysts lowered profit forecasts this year as credit-related losses and writedowns topped $660 billion in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

MAN dropped 3.11 euros, or 8.8 percent, to 32.43 euros, the lowest since May 2005.

Volvo, Scania

Volvo forecast the European market for heavy trucks may be flat this year, while North America will contract by 10 percent. Previously, Volvo anticipated Europe to expand 23 percent and North America to be unchanged. Volvo, based in Gothenburg, Sweden, fell as much as 23 percent in Stockholm trading today.

Scania AB, Sweden's second-largest truckmaker, dropped as much as 14 percent, after posting third-quarter profit that trailed analyst estimates as European customers become more cautious ordering new equipment.

European sales of trucks weighing 16 metric tons or more in September fell 4.8 percent as the credit crisis and concern that a recession is coming deterred companies from expanding fleets.

Volkswagen AG plunged 25 euros, or 11 percent, to 204, the lowest in six weeks.

Europe's largest carmaker said vehicle sales rose 3.9 percent in the first nine months because of growth in emerging economies and the introduction of new models. The company said it's sticking to a goal of selling more cars this year.

Daimler Cut

Daimler declined 2.38 euros, or 10 percent, to 21.45, the lowest since November 1998. Oddo lowered its recommendation on the luxury-car and truckmaker to ``reduce'' from ``add'' after Daimler yesterday scrapped its full-year profit forecast by 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) on plunging auto sales.

Separately, analysts at Citigroup Inc., UBS AG and UniCredit Markets & Investment Banking reduced their share-price estimates on the stock.

Siemens AG dropped 4.12 euros, or 9.5 percent, to 39.40. WestLB AG downgraded Europe's largest engineering company to ``hold'' from ``add,'' saying power and industrial markets may be undergoing a rapid swing away from boom times.

The following stocks also rose or fell in German markets. Symbols are in parentheses.

Allianz SE (ALV GY) lost 6.62 euros, or 10 percent, to 59.17 euros, the lowest since May 2003. Societe Generale SA cut its recommendation for Europe's largest insurer to ``hold'' from ``buy'' and lowered its share-price estimate 46 percent to 75 euros.

BASF SE (BAS GY) fell a third day, losing 1.8 euros, or 7.6 percent, to 21.65. JPMorgan Chase & Co. cut its recommendation on shares of the world's largest chemical maker to ``neutral'' from ``overweight.''

Deutsche Post AG (DPW GY) slipped 54 cents, or 5.4 percent, to 9.42 euros, the lowest since April 2003. ING Groep NV cut its recommendation on shares of Europe's biggest postal service to ``sell'' from ``buy,'' citing declining airfreight growth and the possibility of a ``severe economic downturn.''

Continental AG (CON GY), Europe's second-largest car-parts maker, retreated 4.64 euros, or 12 percent, to 34.36, the lowest in more than four years. Schaeffler Group's owners may sell as much as 25 percent of the auto supplier to investors to alleviate the financial burden of its takeover of Continental amid the credit crisis, Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported, citing unidentified bankers.

HeidelbergCement AG (HEI GY) slumped 3.80 euros, or 6.2 percent, to 57.68, the lowest in more than three years. The country's biggest cement maker had its long-term debt rating lowered to junk at Moody's Investors Service.

Infineon Technologies AG (IFX GY), Europe's second-largest chipmaker, tumbled 29 cents, or 11 percent, to 2.28 euros, an eight-year low. Competitor Samsung Electronics Co., Asia's largest maker of chips, flat screens and mobile phones, posted its biggest profit drop in more than three years as oversupply drove down prices of semiconductors and displays.

Norddeutsche Affinerie AG (NDA GY), Europe's largest copper refiner, dropped 4 euros, or 15 percent, to 23.08, the lowest in 10 months. Copper, used in wires and pipes, sank 22 percent this week, poised for its biggest weekly decline since the 1980s as consumer demand for cars and houses crumbles.

Nordex AG (NDX1 GY), a windmill maker, lost 1.29 euros, or 12 percent, to 9.17 euros, the lowest in more than two years.

``Market expectations are too high,'' said Patrick Hummel, an analyst at UBS AG in Frankfurt who rates the stock a ``sell.'' ``The company forecast to grow 50 percent next year, which can be ruled out given the financing problems of its customers.''

Though renewable energy stocks are more crisis-resistant due to government subsidies than others, it would be ``naïve to believe the sector would be the only one to continue to grow in a double-digit range,'' Hummel said.

Roth & Rau AG, the world's largest maker of equipment used to coat solar panels, lost 2.1 euros, or 14 percent, to 12.80. Repower Systems AG, a wind-turbine maker, lost 10.78 euros, or 11 percent, to 84.97.

Software AG (SOW GY) gained 55 cents, or 1.8 percent, to 31.55 euros. Germany's largest software maker, will cut its net debt to zero by the end of next year and the financial crisis has not affected its business so far, Chief Financial Officer Arnd Zinnhardt said.

Third-quarter net income climbed 62 percent to 31 million euros, beating a 24.7 million-euro median estimate of analysts, Software AG said earlier today.

To contact the reporters on this story: Stefanie Haxel in Frankfurt at shaxel@bloomberg.net.
Last Updated: October 24, 2008 08:56 EDT




《【妖舞魔亂】OPEC Faces Worsening Oil Price Drop as Growth Slips (Update1) 》





OPEC Faces Worsening Oil Price Drop as Growth Slips (Update1)

By Margot Habiby and Grant Smith

Oct. 23 (Bloomberg) -- OPEC's first production cut in almost two years may fail to stanch a collapse in oil prices as roiling stock markets signal that the financial crisis has spread to emerging markets, the center of demand growth.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will likely slice output by at least 1 million barrels tomorrow at a meeting in Vienna. It may not be enough. Morgan Stanley warned that global demand may fall this quarter, normally the peak period for oil consumption.

``The correlation between OPEC supply cuts and price increases is near zero,'' said Ben Dell, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. in New York ``All a cut does is reaffirm we're oversupplied and demand is weakening. Developed economies are already negative and emerging markets are slowing.''

Crude oil for December delivery closed at a 16-month low of $66.75 a barrel in New York yesterday as Argentina's seizure of pension funds rattled markets around the world. It was up $1.19, or 1.8 percent, to $67.94 a barrel at 12 p.m. London time after Iranian Oil Minister Gholamhossein Nozari said OPEC should cut production by 2 million barrels a day.

An oil price between $60 and $90 a barrel won't worsen the global economic slowdown, said OPEC President Chekib Khelil, the Algerian oil minister.

Options trading shows crude prices are likely to extend their slide and may trade below $55 in December, Merrill Lynch & Co. said this week. Oil has fallen 54 percent from a July 11 record of $147.27.

Stocks Slump

Asian stocks slumped today, driving the region's benchmark index to the lowest level in four years, as Japanese exports missed estimates, commodities prices tumbled and South Korea's worst financial crisis in a decade deepened.

Argentina's main stock index had its biggest three-day loss in 18 years yesterday, on concern the government seizure of $29 billion of private pension funds will further undermine investor confidence in South America's second-biggest economy and cause its second default in a decade.

Earlier this week, China, the world's fastest growing energy consumer, said its economy grew at 9 percent in the third quarter, the slowest pace in five years. Demand from emerging markets, led by China, helped drive prices close to $150 a barrel this year. Chinese oil imports rose 11 percent last year and 13 percent in the first half of 2008, according to customs data.

Chinese Slowdown

The Centre for Global Energy Studies, founded by former Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ahmad Yamani, doubled the likelihood of a slowdown in Asian economies to 20 percent in an Oct. 20 monthly report.

``Chinese demand has been setting up for a major decline,'' said Peter Beutel, president of energy consultant Cameron Hanover Inc.

India's central bank unexpectedly lowered its key repurchase rate on Oct. 20 for the first time since 2004 in a signal that Governor Duvvuri Subbarao sees weaker growth as a bigger threat than inflation in Asia's third-largest economy.

South Korea, Asia's fourth biggest economy, reined in crude oil imports last month, to 69 million barrels last month from 70.3 million in August.

Demand Dip

World oil demand is expected to fall to as low as 83.5 million barrels a day in the second quarter of 2009, from 85.7 million barrels a day last quarter, a Morgan Stanley consultant said yesterday.

``We are going to see a significant dip in demand that will be most severe in the second quarter,'' Sadad Al-Husseini, a Morgan Stanley consultant and former head of exploration and production at Saudi Aramco, said on a conference call.

The price of Saudi Arabia's Arab Medium and Arab Heavy crude oils for shipment to the U.S. dropped below $60 a barrel for the first time yesterday, when priced against U.S. benchmark West Texas Intermediate oil, according to Bloomberg data. Arab Medium fell to $59.26 and Arab Heavy to $57.01.

Fuel demand in the U.S. averaged about 18.7 million barrels a day during the four weeks ended Oct. 17, down 8.5 percent from the same period a year earlier, according to the Energy Department.

Market `Flooded'

OPEC will ``most probably'' decide to cut production, Algerian Oil Minister and OPEC President Chakib Khelil said today in Vienna. Members are struggling to sell crude amid high global inventories, he said.

The oil market is ``flooded'' with crude and an output cut of 1 million barrels a day won't be sufficient, Shokri Ghanem, Libya's top oil official said yesterday.

The last time OPEC decided to slash quotas was at a December 2006 meeting in Abuja, Nigeria. The 500,000 barrel-a-day cut took effect in February 2007, expanding an earlier reduction agreed in October. The cuts were reversed later in 2007 as oil kept rallying.

``OPEC will be torn between wanting to lower output to shore up prices and, at a time when the global economy is getting into a recession, knowing that if they push up oil they will make the recession worse,'' Deutsche Bank AG's Chief Energy Economist Adam Sieminski said from New York. ``We predict the price could fall further, to $50 a barrel by 2010.''

Eleven years ago, OPEC members bickered about output quotas as oil slid 28 percent in 10 months amid the onset of the Asian financial crisis. At a meeting in Jakarta in November 1997, they raised quotas, ignoring the turmoil that slowed Asian economies and cut oil demand. Prices fell another 44 percent by December 1998 to below $11 a barrel. New York oil traded near $68 today.

IEA Forecast

To be sure, International Energy Agency Director Nobuo Tanaka said his organization has yet to see any decline in emerging markets oil demand and predicts 5.2 percent growth in Chinese oil demand next year.

``Our statistics clearly tell us there is not yet any indication of slowdown in China, India or the Middle East,'' Tanaka said in an interview yesterday. ``Their demand is still very robust.''

To contact the reporter on this story: Margot Habiby in Vienna at mhabiby@bloomberg.net; Grant Smith in Vienna at gsmith52@bloomberg.net.
Last Updated: October 23, 2008 07:05 EDT




《【妖舞魔亂】Global Stocks Tumble on Economic Concern; Treasuries, Yen Rally》





Global Stocks Tumble on Economic Concern; Treasuries, Yen Rally

By Lynn Thomasson and Sarah Jones

Oct. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Stocks tumbled around the world, sending the developed markets benchmark to the lowest level since June 2003, on concern the deepening economic slump will damage earnings. Yields on 30-year Treasuries dropped to a three-decade low, and the yen climbed to a 13-year high against the dollar.

The Standard & Poor's 500 Index lost 3 percent, a smaller decline than European and Asian equities, even after futures on the measure fell so far that trading was curbed. The U.K.'s FTSE 100 Index sank 6.6 percent and the pound slid the most versus the dollar since 1971 after the economy shrank for the first time since 1992. South Korea's Kospi Index fell 10 percent as the country's economy grew at the slowest pace in four years.

``There's a worldwide fear of a worldwide recession,'' said Michael Binger, Minneapolis-based fund manager at Thrivent Asset Management, which oversees about $70 billion. ``The concern has moved to being about which banks and companies will fail to which countries could fail, with Iceland and some of the smaller countries around the world being on life support.''

The MSCI World Index of 23 developed markets lost 4.3 percent to 871.95 at 11:22 a.m. in New York. The S&P 500's retreat gave the U.S. the fourth-best performance today. MSCI's measure of emerging markets lost 7.3 percent to 476.66 as Russia's Micex Stock Exchange stopped trading until next week after shares slumped 14 percent.

More than $10 trillion has been erased from the market value of equities so far this month, accounting for about one-third of the total value wiped off world equities this year. MSCI's index of developed and emerging stock markets plunged 48 percent in 2008 and is heading for its worst year on record as credit- related losses topped $660 billion in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

VIX Jumps

The Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index surged to 89.53, the highest in its 18-year history. The VIX measures the cost of using options as insurance against S&P 500 declines.

Since the start of October, 205 companies in the S&P 500 have reported quarterly results, posing an average profit decline of 25 percent, according to Bloomberg data.

Toyota Motor Corp. tumbled 6.4 percent to 3,200 yen after Japan's biggest carmaker reported a drop in quarterly sales for the first time in seven years.

U.S. auto sales this month may fall to their lowest rate in at least 25 years as tighter credit and falling home values cripple demand, according to Deutsche Bank AG.

No Bankruptcy

General Motors Corp. slid 14 percent to $5.24. GM reiterated today that bankruptcy is ``not an option'' for the company. Speculation regarding GM's financial stability is unfounded, spokesman Tony Cervone said in an interview.

Europe's Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Index slid 6.2 percent as Air France-KLM Group, the region's biggest airline, said it will be ``very difficult'' to meet full-year earnings targets as the global credit crisis and slowing economic growth undermine demand for travel.

Treasuries rose, sending the yield on the 30-year bond to the lowest since regular issuance of the securities began in 1977. The yield on the 4 1/2 percent bond due in May 2038 decreased 0.10 percentage point to 3.95 percent, according to BGCantor Market Data, after dropping as low as 3.8676 percent.

``We're getting very close to the emotional blow-off where everybody says, `I don't care; I want out,''' said E. Craig Coats Jr., who co-heads fixed income at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Inc. in New York. ``Everybody seems to be saying `I want to be in cash or Treasuries.'''

Iceland Bailout

Iceland secured an emergency bailout loan of $2 billion from the International Monetary Fund after the collapse of the island's banking system paralyzed much of its foreign exchange market, Prime Minister Geir Haarde said in Reykjavik.

U.S. stocks would stop trading for an hour should the Dow average decline 1,100 points to 7,591.25, based on ``circuit breakers'' imposed by the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow fell 368.13, or 4.2 percent, to 8,323.12. Futures on the S&P 500 lost 6.6 percent before U.S. markets officially opened, triggering a Chicago Mercantile Exchange measure meant to limit losses.

Pulte Homes Inc. gained 6.9 percent to $8.67 after home resales in the U.S. rose more than forecast in September, helping U.S. stocks recover losses. Cheaper prices on foreclosed property lifted purchases of existing homes up 5.5 percent last month to a 5.18 million annual pace, the highest level in a year, the National Association of Realtors said in Washington.

Energy stocks fell the most globally, losing 7.2 percent, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Crude oil slumped as much as 7.7 percent to $62.65, the lowest price since May 2007. Exxon Mobil Corp. retreated 4.4 percent to $67.31.


National City Corp. fell 19 percent to $2.22. PNC Financial Services Group Inc., Pennsylvania's largest bank, plans to buy the lender, Ohio's largest bank, for about $5.2 billion in stock with funds from the U.S. Treasury. The offer of $2.23 a share is 19 percent less than National City's closing price yesterday.

The yen climbed to a 13-year high against the dollar as stock-market losses prompted investors to dump higher-yielding assets funded by low-cost loans in Japan.

Japan's currency surged to the strongest in six years against the euro, posting its biggest gain ever, as the prospect of a deepening global recession prompted the unwinding of carry trades. The pound fell below $1.53 in its biggest drop in at least 37 years after the U.K. economy shrank more than forecast in the third quarter, bringing it to the brink of recession.

The yen touched 90.93 per dollar, the strongest level since August 1995. The yen climbed as much as 9.6 percent against the euro, the most on an intraday basis since the European currency's inception in 1999.

To contact the reporter on this story: Sarah Jones in London at sjones35@bloomberg.net.
Last Updated: October 24, 2008 11:24 EDT




《【妖舞魔亂】Stocks head for sharp decline on recession fears》





Stocks head for sharp decline on recession fears

October 24, 2008, 8:12AM ET


Wall Street headed for another precipitous drop Friday as fears of a punishing global recession stirred panic among investors and sent world financial markets into a tailspin. The Dow Jones industrial average futures fell as much as 550 points, triggering a freeze in selling.

The massive decline was caused by increasingly grim news from overseas. In Japan, shares of Sony sank more than 14 percent after it slashed its earnings forecast for the fiscal year. In Germany, Daimler's stock dropped 11.4 percent in morning trading after it reported lower third-quarter earnings and abandoned its 2008 profit and revenue guidance.

Japan's Nikkei stock average fell a staggering 9.60 percent. In Europe, Germany's benchmark DAX index was down 10.76 percent, France's CAC40 dropped 10 percent while Britain's FTSE 100 sank 8.67 percent after the governmnet said its gross domestic product fell 0.5 percent in the third quarter, putting the country on the brink of recession.

The dour outlook convinced investors that the world economy is headed for a long and severe downturn despite a raft of government rescue efforts aimed at pulling the financial system from the brink. It also indicated that the tremors caused by the global credit crisis may have only begun to be felt in their true scope and magnitude.

Fearing more carnage in world equity markets, big hedge funds and other institutional investors have been pulling out their money en masse in a bid to reduce risk and raise cash -- a process known as deleveraging that only intensifies the selling.

Ahead of the market's open, Dow Jones industrial average futures fell the maximum allowed limit of 550, or 6.27 percent, to 8,224. That triggered "circuit breakers" that automatically freeze selling until the market's 9:30 a.m. EDT open. However, traders can still buy stocks and send the market higher.

The Standard & Poor's 500 index futures index was also down the maxium allowed 60 points, or 6.56, to 855.20, and the Nasdaq 100 index futures was down the maximum allowed 85.00, or 6.20 percent, to 1,175.75.

The big drop in futures trading raised the possibility that circuit breakers intended to prevent panic selling could be triggered during regular trading -- something that hasn't happened since 1997.

If the Dow Jones industrial average falls 10 percent before 2 p.m., the market will shut down for an hour. If the threshold is breached between 2 p.m. and 2:30 p.m., the halt will last 30 minutes. Trading would stop again if the Dow falls by 20 percent. If trading falls by 30 percent at any time, trading would be halted for the day.

Elsewhere in Asia on Friday, Hong Kong's Hang Seng index fell 8.3 percent to 12,618. Markets in India, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines were also down sharply as investors bailed from emerging markets to cut their exposure to risky assets and meet redemption needs at home.

The sudden gloom over growth expectations is having the added impact of putting small economies and currencies under extreme pressure. Investors are pulling money out of countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia on fears vulnerable countries will not only be hit hard by the financial crisis but may also default on debt.

In Europe, for example, Hungary, Ukraine and Belarus are all, like Iceland, in talks with the IMF to discuss possible loans.


Meanwhile, demand for U.S. Treasurys jumped as investors sought safe places to put their money. The three-month bill, regarded as the safest assets around, yielded 0.85 percent, down from 0.94 percent late Thursday.

The U.S. dollar, meanwhile, plunged below 93 yen, a 13-year low, as traders reacted to dismal U.S. jobs data that spurred speculation the Federal Reserve might cut interest rates. Meanwhile, gold prices plunged.

Light, sweet crude was down $4.64 to $63.20 premarket electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The sell-off, another sign that investors fear a severe recession, came despite OPEC's announcement that it will cut production by 1.5 million barrels a day in a bid to shore up sagging prices.


Associated Press writers Carlos Piovano in London, Alex Kennedy in Singapore, Shino Yuasa in Tokyo and Kelly Olsen in Seoul contributed to this report.




《【妖舞魔亂】ASIA MARKETS:Indexes Fall Hard On Bloody Friday》





ASIA MARKETS:Indexes Fall Hard On Bloody Friday

October 24, 2008: 06:52 AM EST

Asian markets were mauled Friday, with Japanese, Indian and South Korean indexes slumping more than 9.5% each to end below crucial psychological milestones as fears of a global recession swept across the region. Benchmarks in Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore and Taiwan dropped to their lowest levels in at least three years.

Japan's Nikkei 225 Average sank 9.6% to end at 7,649.08, a closing level it hasn't seen since April 29, 2003. The benchmark is now valued at less than a fifth of its all-time high of 38,915.87, which it touched in December 1989.

"There is a complete loss of confidence and it was brought on by the decline in Japan," said Francis Lun, general manager at Fulbright Securities in Hong Kong. "We are going back to the stone ages."

India's Sensitive Index hit the day's bottom at 8,566.82, a level it hasn't seen since November 2005, before ending down 11% at 8,701.07.

South Korea's Kospi index dropped even more, plunging 10.6% to close at 938.75, registering its first fall below the 1,000-point level since June 30, 2005.

During the tumultuous week, the Nikkei lost 12% and the Sensex shed nearly 13% , while the Kospi sank more than 20%.

Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index, which ended below the 14,000-point level a day earlier, fell past even the 13,000 milestone during the session for the first time since October 2004. The index ended down 8.3% at 12,618.38.

"I don't think the turmoil will be finished any time soon. I think it'll continue this quarter and the next. It's very difficult to see the bottom in the near-term," said Hirokazu Yuihama, head of regional strategy at Daiwa Institute of Research in Shanghai.

The losses in Tokyo were led by Sony Corp. (SNE), which slumped 14.1% to end at its lowest level since 1995, after the company on Thursday cut its full-year profit forecast to 150 billion yen ($1.54 billion) from 240 billion yen, citing a stronger yen, weaker sales in its electronics unit and hard times in the financial-services segment.

Other exporters were also hammered in the wake of Sony's profit-warning after the U.S. dollar fell below the 96 yen-level, as risk-averse investors unwound their carry trades.


Singapore, rest of region

Australia's S&P/ASX 200 dropped as low as 3,830, the lowest it has seen since November 2004, before paring some losses to end at 3,869.40 for a loss of 2.6%.

Taiwan's Taiex ended at its lowest point of the day -- 4,579.62, a level it hasn't seen since May 2003.

Singapore's Straits Times index touched the day's bottom at 1,590.36, a level it hasn't seen since September 2003, before ending down 8.3% at 1,600.28.

China's Shanghai Composite and New Zealand's NZX 50 index were among the best performers of the day, with the Shanghai index ending down 1.9% at 1,839.62, while the NZX 50 index lost 1% to 2,778.55.

Yuihama said recession worries were in place, and that it was "almost certain" that the U.S. and Europe could go into a recession during the third and fourth quarters of 2008.

"That is very negative for Asian economies. Export-dependent economies like South Korea, Taiwan and China will be hit hard," he added.

He said Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index was expected to find support near the 12, 000-point level, Singapore's Straits Times index near 1,500 and Taiwan's Taiex close to 4,300.

Analysts said fears of further earnings downgrades for regional corporations also likely contributed to the sell-offs.

Peter Hilton, head of Asian equities research at Royal Bank of Scotland in Hong Kong, said analysts were likely to downgrade corporate earnings for 2009.

"In general, strategists and economists had held some hope that in the second half of 2009, we might be moving ahead, but now, that's being rapidly discounted and analysts are going to have to continue to discount 2009 earnings," said Hilton.

After the crisis in the financial markets and the credit markets, "the next step is for the real economy, which is slowing quickly in the third quarter," said Hilton.

Over $820 billion wealth lost in a week

The weekly losses this week across the top eight stock markets in the region - - Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sydney, Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore and Taipei -- totaled nearly $820 billion, according to FactSet Research data.

Of those losses, Tokyo, the largest stock exchange in the region by market capitalization, lost more than $190 billion, while Hong Kong lost almost another $180 billion.

Regional detail

In Tokyo, Sony's outlook also dragged down other exporters, with Canon Inc. ( CAJ) slumping 12.6% and Sharp Corp. (SHCAY) shrinking 13.7%.

In Asian currency trading, the U.S. dollar bought 95.21 yen, compared with 97.56 yen late Thursday, as investors unwound their carry trades.

In Seoul, shares of Samsung Electronics Co. (SSNLF) slipped 13.8% after the company's third-quarter net profit dropped 44% from the year-earlier period, according to reports.

In Hong Kong, shares of market heavyweight HSBC Holdings (HBC) lost 12.5%, pressuring the benchmark Hang Seng Index. Among other notable losers, diversified China Resources Enterprise lost 11.6% and bourse operator Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing (0388.HK) fell 7.1%.

Shares of Industrial & Commercial Bank of China gave up 7.4% in Hong Kong and 2.6% in Shanghai before the mainland's largest lender reported a 25.5% growth in third-quarter profit.

In Mumbai, shares of Maruti Suzuki India ended 9.9% lower after it reported a 37% drop in fiscal second-quarter net income from the year-ago period due to an increase in raw material costs and higher depreciation charges.

Among other big losers of the day, shares of real estate major DLF slumped 24% , and market heavyweight Reliance Industries skidded 16.4%, although it posted a better-than-expected 7.4% growth in second-quarter net profit on Thursday.

December crude-oil futures fell $1.40 to $66.44 a barrel in electronic trading, after climbing $1.09 to $67.84 a barrel Thursday on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

On Wall Street, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) rose 2% to 8,691.25 and the S&P 500 index (SPX) gained 1.3% to 908.11, while the Nasdaq Composite (RIXF) slipped 0.7% to 1,603.91.

  (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  10-24-08 0652ET
  Copyright (c) 2008 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.




《【妖舞魔亂】Global Stock Market Bloody On Friday !!》





Stocks dive on belief global recession is at hand

By TIM PARADIS 10.24.08, 9:45 AM ET

Wall Street joined world stock markets in a precipitous plunge Friday, with the Dow Jones industrials dropping more than 400 points in the opening minutes of trading. The growing belief that the world will suffer a punishing economic recession has investors furiously dumping stocks.

The massive decline was caused by increasingly grim news from overseas. In Japan, shares of Sony sank more than 14 percent after it slashed its earnings forecast for the fiscal year. In Germany, Daimler's stock dropped 11.4 percent in morning trading after it reported lower third-quarter earnings and abandoned its 2008 profit and revenue guidance.

Japan's Nikkei stock average fell a staggering 9.60 percent. In Europe, Germany's benchmark DAX index was down 10.76 percent, France's CAC40 dropped 10 percent while Britain's FTSE 100 sank 8.67 percent after the government said its gross domestic product fell 0.5 percent in the third quarter, putting the country on the brink of recession.

The dour outlook convinced investors that the world economy is headed for a long and severe downturn despite a raft of government rescue efforts aimed at pulling the financial system from the brink. It also indicated that the tremors caused by the global credit crisis may have only begun to be felt in their true scope and magnitude.

"There's a lot of panic out there today," said Scott Fullman, director of derivatives investment strategy for WJB Capital Group in New York. "People have been saying that we're in a recession. This is the realization."

Fearing more carnage in world equity markets, big hedge funds and other institutional investors have been pulling out their money en masse in a bid to reduce risk and raise cash - a process known as deleveraging that only intensifies the selling. Meanwhile, individual investors that have seen their holdings decimated in recent weeks have been yanking money out of mutual funds, adding to the downward pressure on markets.

"I think it would be natural to make an assumption that there are some funds in trouble and that we may see some funds shut down," Fullman said.

In the first minutes of trading, the Dow rose fell 417.67, or 4.81 percent, to 8,273.58.

Broader stock indicators also fell. The S&P 500 index fell 50.26, or 5.53 percent, to 857.85, and the Nasdaq composite index fell 86.75, or 5.41 percent, to 1,517.16.

Copyright 2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Oil shares drop on lower crude, recession fears

Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:44am EDT

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Shares of oil majors fell sharply across the globe on Friday, as crude oil prices sunk on mounting fears of a global economic recession.

The slide in crude oil prices came despite OPEC's announcement that it will cut production by 1.5 million barrels a day in a bid to stem the sharp slide in oil prices.

International benchmark U.S. crude fell 6 percent to $63.93 on Friday and is down about 60 percent from a record high of $147.27 hit in July.

The Standard & Poor's 500 Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels Index was down 7.2 percent in early trade.

Shares of Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) fell 7 percent to $65.60, while Chevron Corp (CVX.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) dropped 7 percent to $62.16, and ConocoPhillips (COP.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) slid 7.4 percent to $47.87, all on the New York Stock Exchange.

Shares of BP Plc (BP.L: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz)(BP.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) dropped 9 percent on the London Stock Exchange and 11 percent on the NYSE, while Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSa.L: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz)was off 7.4 percent.

(Reporting by Euan Rocha; editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)




2008年10月25日 星期六

《【妖舞魔亂】馬政府救房市 業者:胡搞瞎搞!》





房貸寬限延三年 銀行哎哎叫












房市冷 仲介增 年底恐掀關店潮






銀行的算盤 市況差 先還較划算







全民紓困 房貸還本金 將展延3年










儘管如此,身為政府政策指標性銀行的台銀,已率先響應。台銀人員說,該行本周一起,其知名的精英房貸Easy Go,已經把房貸期限二十年以內的房貸,從寬限期兩年延長為三年;倘若房貸期限達三十年,寬限期更是可以延長到五年。也就是說,民眾到台銀辦房貸,寬限期至少三年,台銀主管表示,寬限期授權各分行自行決定,假設房貸戶遇到失業、收入遽減等問題,可向台銀申請展延房貸本金,盼藉此發揮拋磚引玉之效。

景氣差 建商打出低自備款 低單價 高額房貸




學者:明年交屋潮到若仍賣不掉 建商可能面臨倒閉




