







2018年1月27日 星期六

麥當勞改善食品包裝 提高回收率、全面換可回收材質


麥當勞改善食品包裝 提高回收率、全面換可回收材質

建立於 2018/01/26
今日,全球麥當勞餐廳的顧客包裝回收率僅約是10%!速食業龍頭麥當勞16日宣布,他們設定了2025年所有麥當勞餐廳顧客食品包裝的回收率目標,且將在2025年達成顧客食品包裝100%來自再生、回收或認證來源,並優先選用森林管理委員會(Forest Stewardship Council,FSC)認證材料。

麥當勞。圖片來源:www.snack-nieuws.nl(CC BY 2.0)
麥當勞。圖片來源:www.snack-nieuws.nl(CC BY 2.0)
麥當勞供應鏈和永續發展長德百斯(Francesca DeBiase)表示:「我們有責任利用我們的規模做出改變,對全球產生有意義的影響。」
環境保護基金會(Environmental Defense Fund)商業計畫EDF+Business副總裁莫瑞(Tom Murray)表示:「近30年前,麥當勞和EDF開始合作減少固體廢棄物,加速包裝創新。一路走來,我們為企業和非營利組織開創了新的合作模式。今天,麥當勞繼續透過設定具有企圖心的目標,與整個價值鏈上的夥伴合作,以達到最大的影響力,提高永續發展性。」
森林管理委員會總幹事卡斯坦森(Kim Carstensen)說:「麥當勞與全球最值得信賴的森林產品認證合作,讓麥當勞在提升顧客參與上有了獨特且強而有力的機會。」
McDonald’s Pledges Sustainable Packaging By 2025
OAK BROOK, Illinois, January 16, 2018 (ENS)
Fast food giant McDonald’s today announced that by 2025, all of the company’s guest packaging will come from renewable, recycled, or certified sources, with a preference for Forest Stewardship Council certification.
Also by 2025, the company has set a goal to recycle guest packaging in all McDonald’s restaurants.
Currently, 50 percent of McDonald’s customer packaging comes from renewable, recycled or certified sources and 64 percent of fiber-based packaging comes from certified or recycled sources. Today, an estimated 10 percent of McDonald’s restaurants globally are recycling customer packaging.
With more than 37,000 locations in over 100 countries, McDonald’s is the world’s second largest fast food restaurant chain, after Subway.
McDonald’s said in a statement that the company understands that recycling infrastructure, regulations and consumer behaviors vary city to city and country to country around the world, but it plans to be part of the solution and help influence powerful change.
The new goals expand upon McDonald’s existing goal that by 2020, all of its fiber-based packaging will come from recycled or certified sources where no deforestation occurs.
“We have a responsibility to use our scale for good to make changes that will have a meaningful impact across the globe,” said Francesca DeBiase, McDonald’s chief supply chain and sustainability officer.
“Our customers have told us that packaging waste is the top environmental issue they would like us to address,” said DeBiase. “Our ambition is to make changes our customers want and to use less packaging, sourced responsibly and designed to be taken care of after use, working at and beyond our restaurants to increase recycling and help create cleaner communities.”
McDonald’s says the company also plans to eliminate foam packaging from its global system by the end of 2018. While about two percent of its packaging, by weight, is currently foam, the company says it believes that “this small step is an important one on our journey. ”
Environmental groups praised the fast food company’s decision to extend its sustainable packaging practices.
As Tom Murray, vice president of EDF+Business at Environmental Defense Fund said, “Nearly three decades ago, McDonald’s and EDF teamed up to tackle solid waste and accelerate innovation in packaging. Along the way, we pioneered a new partnership model for companies and nonprofit organizations. Today, McDonald’s continues to raise the sustainability bar by setting ambitious goals and collaborating with partners across the value chain for maximum impact.”
McDonald’s first began its focus on sustainable packaging nearly 25 years ago with the establishment of the groundbreaking partnership with the Environmental Defense Fund. The initiative eliminated more than 300 million pounds of packaging, recycled a million tons of corrugated boxes and reduced waste by 30 percent in the decade following the partnership.
In 2014, the company joined WWF’s Global Forest & Trade Network program and set its fiber sourcing targets, including FSC preference for packaging made from wood fiber.
“The partnership between McDonald’s and FSC, the world’s most trusted certification of forests and forest products, also creates a uniquely powerful opportunity for McDonald’s to engage customers about simple ways to protect forests,” said Kim Carstensen, director general of the Forest Stewardship Council.
※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)
In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.
