







2009年2月18日 星期三

《【總統英明】Taiwan's economy~Mirror, mirror on the wall》+01




Taiwan's economy
Mirror, mirror on the wall
經濟學人,The Economist
Feb 12th 2009 | TAIPEI




台 灣是全球最依賴出口的經濟體之一,生產大量高科技小產品到西方消費者,因此受到全球需求衰退的猛擊。1月出口驟降創歷史新紀錄的44%,出口不振也因貿易 衰退而惡化。這可部份解釋為何進口也衰退57%。因此,出口或許會隨著貿易反彈而回升。但台灣的競爭力卻遭受相對強勁的幣值侵蝕,2008年以來新台幣對 韓圜升值40%。

與同期相比,對中國出口衰退59%,為對美國出口的2倍。對佔出口1/4(按:不含香港出口)中國的大宗產品是電子零 件,受到中國大規模降低存貨的衝擊。台灣的電子工業正忍受非常糟糕的衰退。花旗銀行在台北的經濟學家鄭貞茂(Cheng Cheng-mount)指出台灣出口的支柱,例如平面顯示器與半導體,在全球金融危機之前就已經生產過剩。他估計全球最大晶圓代工廠台灣積體電路,目前 的產能利用約35%。


甚 至在金融危機前,民間消費的成長率已排名在東亞四小龍之末。理由之一是有消費能力者不在台灣。過去8年,約有1百萬台商在中國管理工廠,多數是有錢的管理 階級。一些經濟學家預測2009年台灣的GDP將衰退3%以上,將是台灣歷史上最嚴重的衰退。最悲觀的里昂證券預測2009年會是可怕的負11%。

為 援助經濟,中央銀行自9月來連續6次調降利率到1.5%。政府也計劃刺激3%GDP的基礎建設,消費券與退稅等。提振消費者支出,政府發放每人 3,600元的消費券。然而,許多經濟學家懷疑這是否有製造那麼多的新支出。根據台灣經濟研究院的陳淼(Chen Miao),日本類似的「定額給付金」最終僅30%投入消費(其它70%是花掉消費券,省下現金)。到目前為止,有趣的跡象描繪出更好的景況。百貨公司與 超級市場在農曆年間的銷售額,較2008年提高約10-20%。




Taiwan's economy
Mirror, mirror on the wall

Feb 12th 2009 | TAIPEI
From The Economist print edition

The ugliest economy of them all?

WHICH economy has been hit hardest by the global slump? In its back pages and on its website The Economist tracks 55 countries each week. Based on industrial production, Taiwan has suffered much the biggest shock. Output fell by 32% in the 12 months to December; in the fourth quarter it plunged at an annual rate of 62%. GDP figures, due on February 18th, will be grim.

Taiwan is one of the world’s most export-dependent economies, making many high-tech gadgets for Western consumers, so it has been battered by the slump in global demand. Exports plunged by a record 44% in the year to January. The slide in exports has been exacerbated by a drying up of trade credit. This partly explains why imports also fell by 57% over the period. Exports may therefore partly recover as credit improves. But Taiwan’s competitiveness has been eroded by its relatively strong currency. The New Taiwan dollar has appreciated by more than 40% against the South Korean won since the start of 2008.

Exports to China have declined by 59% over the past year, twice as fast as exports to America. Sales to China (over one-quarter of the total) consist largely of electronic components, and have been hit by massive Chinese destocking. The island’s electronics industry is enduring its worst-ever slump. Cheng Cheng-mount, a Taipei-based economist with Citibank, points out that Taiwan’s mainstay exports, such as flat-screen monitors and semiconductors, were in oversupply even before the global financial crisis. Now, he estimates, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the world’s biggest contract chipmaker, is running at around 35% of capacity.
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Falling exports have, in turn, squeezed domestic spending. Unemployment rose to a six-year high of 5% in December, and the true picture may be far bleaker. Taiwanese companies tend to wait until after the lunar new year holiday before swinging the axe. Average wages have also fallen by 5% in real terms over the past year. Many companies are ordering employees to take unpaid leave. The volume of retail sales slumped by 11% in the year to December.

Even before the financial crisis, household spending had seen the weakest growth rate among the East Asian tigers. One reason is that people with the spending power are elsewhere. Over the past eight years, around 1m Taiwanese business executives, who form much of the island’s moneyed managerial class, have moved to China to run factories there. Several economists are now forecasting that Taiwan’s GDP will contract by 3% or more this year, which would be the steepest downturn in Taiwan’s history. By far the gloomiest is CLSA, a broking firm, which is predicting a horrendous 11% drop in 2009.

To prop up the economy, the central bank has cut interest rates six times since September, to 1.5%. The government also plans a fiscal stimulus of infrastructure investment, consumer handouts and tax cuts worth around 3% of GDP in 2009. To boost consumer spending, the government is giving each citizen a voucher worth NT$3,600 ($106). But many economists are sceptical about whether this will produce much new spending. According to Chen Miao, an economist with the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, a similar cash-handout scheme in Japan resulted in only 30% of recipients spending more than they had already planned. Anecdotal evidence so far paints a brighter picture. Department stores and supermarkets reported that sales over the lunar new year holiday were 10-20% higher than in 2008.

In the longer term, improved ties with China will benefit the economy. For example, says Mr Chen, more direct flights between Taiwan and China should help. If Taiwan-based businessmen came home every quarter instead of every six months, it could boost ailing consumption. For now, however, Taiwan’s frightful economic news is more likely to encourage households to save rather than spend.





最 新一期經濟學人表示,台灣出口逾四分之一銷往中國,因此在這波危機中,受到中國成長衰退的拖累很嚴重,而出口又進一步拖垮國內消費。早在金融危機之前,台 灣的家戶消費就已經是四小龍之末,理由是民眾的消費能力都表現在國外,例如過去八年,有一百萬名身為消費主力的台灣企業主管,遷移至中國經營工廠。多位分 析師預測台灣今年國內生產毛額(GDP)將萎縮至少三%,其中以里昂證券預估的負十一%最為悲觀。





