Welcome to your weekly update – a curated list of some of this week’s most interesting stories on economic growth and social inclusion, featuring two articles in light of this week’s World Economic Forum National Strategy Day on India.
1. Facts and figures. This chart and 18 others taken from our research explain India’s economic challenge (World Economic Forum). 
image0012. How can India sustain economic growth while ensuring that it benefits the many rather than the few? Social entrepreneurs suggest best practices and public-private collaboration is needed to replicate and scale up such solutions, writes Klaus Schwab. (World Economic Forum) 
3. Where might economic growth come from in 2016? (Bloomberg)
4. Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz discusses how to tackle U.S. inequality in his new book. (The Atlantic)
5. Nobel laureate Michael Spence and two colleagues lists three reasons why the global economy is performing below its growth and distribution potential and suggests what needs to be done about it. (VoxEU)
6. One reason behind rising wage inequality in the U.S. seems to lie in the gap between the most profitable companies and the least profitable firms – and not in the wage gap between the high and low earners within each company. (The Wall Street Journal)image003
7. The World Bank published an update on India’s growth and development performance and outlook. (The World Bank)
8. My post from last week referred to China’s new two-child policy. Will it deliver on its aims, such as mitigating future labour shortages in the country? (Knowledge@Wharton)
Author: Jennifer Blanke is Chief Economist at the World Economic Forum
Image: People walk outside the Mumbai Stock Exchange building February 10, 2011. REUTERS/Vivek Prakash