







2017年6月26日 星期一

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Practicing Baptiste Yoga


7 Reasons Why You Should Be Practicing Baptiste Yoga

Leah Cullis, who will lead Yoga Journal's upcoming online course Pillars of Power Yoga, says if you're not practicing Baptiste Yoga, you should be.

Leah Cullis in Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose, utthita hasta padangusthasana
Master Baptiste Yoga teacher Leah Cullis, who will lead Yoga Journal's upcoming online course Pillars of Power Yoga (sign uphereto be the first to know when this fitness- and focus-boosting course launches), says if you're not practicing Baptiste Yoga, you should be. Here are her 7 reasons why Baptiste Yoga may be the right style of yoga for you (our favorite: it accelerates your results on and off the mat).

1. Baptiste Yoga offers real tools for life today.

While yoga is an ancient practice, everything you get in a Baptiste Yoga class is accessible for the modern-day lifestyle. Baptiste Yoga demystifies the yoga practice and makes it more inviting (for example, if chanting isn't your thing).

2. You're learning from a living legend.

Not only is Baron Baptiste a living legend, both of his parents were both considered gurus. Baron studied with all the yoga greats, and Baron is my teacher, so I feel incredibly honored to share this yoga lineage with others.

3. It's a global community.

Baptiste Yoga has affiliated studios and certified teachers all over the U.S. and beyond. Once you take a Baptiste program, it's like stepping into a family. You form deep connections and come back over and over again for the study, for the practice, and for each other.

4. It helps you get to your "why."

Baptiste Yoga is more than just asana. It's also about getting to your "why" -- why are you moving this way, why are you expressing this way, why are you doing the things you do in your life. Asana, meditation, and personal inquiry are the three practices and techniques of Baptiste Yoga.

5. It helps you focus.

Drishti, or focus, is the first pillar of Baptiste Yoga. We live in a time when there are so many distractions and constant stimulation. When we step on the mat with focus as our main goal, we embody more calm, more ease, and more presence.

6. It's incredibly physical.

Baptiste Yoga supports you in raising your vitality and your sense of personal power. When you are fully in your body and in touch with your own strength, you gain confidence and accelerate your results on and off mat. Baptiste Yoga challenges you physically but also supports you in building a practice that feels good and a life that you desire.

7. It's fun.

Celebration, fun, and play are qualities that we as the Baptiste Yoga community value, cultivate, and create. Who couldn't use a little more fun in their life?
