







2023年7月28日 星期五

🔞🌲🖤To you who are going through...

🌲🖤To you who are going through a dark period.
You who go to bed afraid of falling asleep, 
because when you wake up it will already be another day. 
Another battle.
And you are tired.
To you staying awake looking at the ceiling and thinking. 
You think about many, 
many things until your head starts hurting.
To you who have so much anxiety about what is to happen that you feel suffocated.
That you can't get up.
To you who hide your tears in the palms of your hands, 
behind the locks of hair, 
on the pillow.
To you who wake up every day with a sadder smile than the day before.
But despite this you stand up. 
You face the day. 
Hold on.
To you that if someone looks at you, 
even by mistake, 
you lower your gaze and your cheeks turn red.
To you who feel inferior. 
You giving your best, 
and it doesn't turn out enough. 
Is never enough.
To you who of all, 
feel the weakest.
That you can never shine like the others.
That you always stay behind. 
On the sidelines.
To you who insult you because they don't understand you.
They criticize you even if they don't know you.
To you who resist blows after blows, 
words full of poison and sharp looks.
Here, just you.
You have to know that it won't always be like this, 
because time passes and things change.
You must know that these tortures will not last forever.
There is not only darkness, 
there is also light.
You must know that you are strong enough to overcome all these challenges.
Tumblr you can to do it, 
you can do it.
And you will succeed.
I don't need to tell you how you will defeat them, 
but I promise you will win.
You must know that one day you too will lie on the bed, 
with a lighter heart.
You'll lay your head on the pillow, 
and it'll feel good, 
You will look at your room and it will not look as scary as the previous night.
And then you'll push the hair off your face, 
and you'll realize that your cheeks aren't streaked with tears.
And you will begin to feel more than happiness; 
You'll get up, open the windows and you'll realize how beautiful that starry sky is, 
and the moon will light up your features, 
your lips, 
the outline of your body. 
And the wind will caress your hair.
And you will lean forward, 
in that magic never felt before.
And I can assure you, 
because I'm more than sure of it, 
that someone will see you, 
look at you, 
and think that you are truly a beautiful person.
Because you are... 
