







2023年7月30日 星期日

🌲🧡I discovered that...

🌲🧡I discovered that, 
with my eyes closed, 
I like to fantasize,
see again, 
as if it were a beautiful dream,
everything we did together,
carefree days,
your amazing surprises,
the laughter that arose spontaneously to light up our faces
and they accompanied our every word or hearing.
I relive it fully, 
as if it were happening again,
I feel the same emotions
wonder and disbelief in the face of so much happiness,
so much that I feel overwhelmed.
Then, like a happy child,
I run to share it with you
and then, 
hug each other tightly,
I tell and I talk, 
I talk,
I'm talking about us
without ever getting tired,
I share my emotions with you
sensations and
you, tight to me,
you listen and you make me laugh to continue,
oh how nice it is to hear you say :
"Tell me love, talk about us!"
How many afternoons have we spent like this:
and it was delightful to live there again
and discover together the wonder of a
love that for both was an Awakening to Life,
a glass full of surprises so beautiful as to leave us almost breathless,
a giving of ourselves to each other without selfishness and fear,
a living there every moment because it is precious to build
our story for two.
You, like me, 
are enchanted and feel the magic that pervades us,
experience every sensation and emotion as if they were completely new,
for you too,
I give you the joy of feeling that you thought no longer belonged to you,
so much so that you call our meeting and our Love a "Miracle".
How wonderful to be able to share this immense happiness with you,
knowing that it will accompany us forever,
will be ours,
it will be that vital breath that our Souls will feed on.
And I'm sorry if I flood you with Love,
if I overwhelm you with passion,
but make you happy,
to love you ,
for me it is the only reason to exist .
I am yours .
The eternal lives in us... 
