🌹🤎Who am I?
A bummer,
one that gets pissed off,
one that if you're wrong
will never give it to you.
And yes,
I'm someone who
spits things in your face
as she thinks them
and sometimes even in an unkind way.
I am stubborn and damn bastard
when I feel like "taking the piss".
I am the one who stands for facts about her,
who does not break those who
do not know and does not go looking for
approvals or consents.
This is who I am for most of the world.
Then there is my sweetness,
my vulnerability and my ability
to play my soul for the one I love.
There is my intelligence,
my desire to make myself
known beyond what I show.
But I give that to a few.
To the rest of the world
I say be satisfied with what you see
and think about what you want,
nothing changes for me... 🤎💖💗💕💓💘💞💝