







2018年11月30日 星期五

💖Whatever happens, I'll see you at home...

💖Whatever happens,
I'll see you at home...

A lot of people think that in the joint life everything is pink,

but reality is different.
Living with the person you love is not what everyone thinks it is.
It's not to get up early every morning to have breakfast together.
It's not to throw yourself in bed and cuddle all the time,

nor sleep peacefully every night.
It's not the clean house and the perfect,

home cooked food you do every day.
Living with the person you love is to discuss simple things,

such as who forgot to dump the trash;
to fall asleep because the day left you exhausted;
discussing financial issues;
sleeping next to someone who takes your covers and wake up Trembling with cold;
sometimes it is even not to be able to stand it;
to argue continuously for children,
to offend the trifles of fatigue etc.
But despite everything,

every day you wait for this guy with a worry or you come home every day to meet the same person you know he loves and holds on you.
It's to laugh about that time you accidentally did something stupid,

to imitate yourself and a the fastest dinner because you both had a rough day.
It's when you're experiencing an emotional crisis and there's someone sitting near you,

hugging you and telling you everything will be okay and you believe it.
It's to love the same person,

even if it drives you crazy
Living with your beloved man are the simple,

stupid and constant fights,
but it is also that love that many people spend their lives in search for.
This is not perfect and it is very difficult to maintain balance every day,
but it is wonderful and it is the best you can live because if it was easy,
it would not be worth it.
That's to think:
whatever happens,
see you at home.❤💕💖
