







2014年12月27日 星期六

This Symptoms of Kidney Disease You Should Never Ignore

This Symptoms of Kidney Disease You Should Never Ignore

Few Symptoms of Kidney Disease That You Should Never Ignore

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs which are part of the urinary system along with thepelvis, urethra and bladder. It has several important and vital functions and the primary and most famous is the purification of the body from harmful substances generated by metabolic processes. In addition, the kidneys have a role in the process of regulation of water and electrolyte metabolism.
They also synthesize some hormones like pep tide rennin and erythropoietin. The kidneys are vital in the metabolism of vitamin D and a number of active substances which act locally and at the level of the entire body. In short, the kidneys are not organs that exclusively involved in the process of excretion of water and toxic products of metabolism and electrolyte regulation – they are very important for the regulation of blood pressure and they also synthesize a number of hormones.
Kidney DiseaseThis is why it is very important to take care of the health of our kidneys and to react on the first sign that something is wrong. Some kidney diseases can be easily found in their early phase while others can develop without any signs and symptoms. However, there are some subjective symptoms that can signal that something is not right with the kidneys and that we have to pay attention and examine our body. Most kidney diseases can be detected at the very beginning.

Blood in the urine

The appearance of blood in the urine is obvious and you can notice it right away. It comes in the form of pink and light red urine. However, sometimes the presence of blood is not visible to the naked eye. Only after a lab examination you can determine increased level oferythrocytes. The blood can have its origins in kidney damage or injuries in the urinary tractand bladder. In any case if you notice a red urine it is a good idea to visit the doctor.


Pain caused by problems in the kidneys is localized in the lumbar area. Numb, temporary or permanent pains are some of the characteristics of kidney pain, although in some cases people can experience sharp and strong pain. This sharp pain is usually a sign of kidney stones. This pain starts in the lumbar area and spread to the bellybutton, chest or groins. People usually feel this pain all the time.

General problems

Weakness, slackness, lack of energy, loss of appetite, sleeping disorders, mood swings, increased body temperature and fever are some of the signs that might be a sign of kidney disease. Keep in mind that these symptoms are not typical for kidney diseases, but they certainly indicate that something is wrong with the body.


Many experts say that the appearance of swellings is one of the first signs of kidney diseases. They appear because the excessive water accumulates in the intercellular area because it cannot be excreted in sufficient quantity in a natural way – with the help of the kidneys. Some swellings are linked to others diseases like heart and endocrine diseases.
Some of them are linked to allergies, infections and even in cases of starvation. Swelling on the face and hands especially during the morning is usually linked to kidney diseases. Another characteristic of this type of swelling is that they are warm and the skin in this area is pale.

Increased weight

This symptom is related to the swellings. The increased weight is a direct result of the excessive accumulation of fluids which the kidneys fail to excrete. The patients are visibly swollen and they have difficulties when they are moving.

Bad breath

Bad breath is a direct result of the presence of nitrogen substances which are normally eliminated by the kidneys. Since the kidneys don’t work with the necessary speed in order to eliminate toxic and dangerous metabolites like creatinineurea and uric acid, the body tries to eliminate them in other ways – by using the digestive system and its organs.
This ammonia odor is a sign of severe kidney damage, end-stage renal disease and it occurs in patients who are suffering from some kidney disease for a long period of time.

Changes in the appearance and amount of urination

Another symptom of possible kidney disease is the change in the concentration levels of the urine. The urine becomes more or less concentrated and this can be easily noticed by looking at the color of the urine. Too much diluted urine is very light almost translucent and too concentrated is brownish or dark yellow.
Remember that if you have consumed “colored” food like beet for example your urine might change the color. This situation lasts for only one day. If the urine keeps changing the color and looks odd you should definitely visit a doctor.
Furthermore, there is a normal amount of secreted urine in a single day and that amount is around 1,5 l to 2 l. This amount depends on the amount of fluid intake and loss of fluids during the day through sweating, bleeding, breathing etc. Kidney diseases can cause increased or decreased urination as well as complete blockage of urine secretion.

Nausea and vomiting

This is another symptom that is not typically related only to kidney disease. However, sometimes the accumulation of toxins and waste products due to improper functioning of the kidneys can lead to nausea and vomiting and if these symptoms happen on a daily basis then it is definitely time to visit the doctor’s office.
Kidney disease can also make you feel cold even if the weather is warm. This is a result ofanemia. Some kidney infections can cause fevers.
Some of these symptoms and signs are very important because they can indicate that something is wrong with the work of the kidneys. Some of them appear in already developed diseases, but they are still important because they can be used for monitoring the process of healing.
It is extremely important to identify these symptoms and to consult a doctor whenever you experience some of these symptoms.
