🌳🧡In the symphony of our life,
everyone around us plays their part and their instrument,
just as we play our part in theirs.
In the beginning,
we hear everyone agreeing and looking for the right tone.
We are all trying to learn our part.
Then the musicians start playing in our orchestra.
Those who ring false will be excluded from our play,
as will those who claim to be playing but find all sorts of excuses not to collaborate.
Some have extraordinary talents and we put them forward.
Others have more modest talents, but their contribution is essential for everything to be harmonious.
In any case,
it is about OUR life,
so WE are the conductor.
This is the score we choose to play at this time and each musician we decide to keep in our life fits harmoniously with what we want in music and with the other musicians.
Let no one take our place as conductor in our lives.
Let no one break the harmony of our symphony.
Let us assume our role so that our work is the most beautiful of all.
This is our symphony...