🌹🤎When everything is wanted,
everything is desired,
everything is longed for,
everything is dreamed,
When everything is lived,
it is enjoyed,
it is enjoyed,
When everything unthinkable is explored there are no limits in feeling,
Making us one uniting our bodies of sweaty skin,
Our gazes connect in its most perverse hidden side,
The one that leads us to fantasize between fantasies come true,
We submit to the rhythm of the endless moans between that humidity that doesn't sesa and the hardness that doesn't soften,
Accomplices in arrogance for endlessly following that endless desire to just enjoy and enjoy until you can't anymore,
last without stopping,
Lovers in madness we just let ourselves go nothing written there is nothing we can't read between the lines putting together our own story that began the story of the one that has no end...