🌹🤍I feel like I disintegrate,
as if inside me there are small and continuous explosions,
every time I want to talk and I don't,
I want to scream and I don't,
I want to let off steam and say everything that passes me for the head
(but above all for the heart)
and I don't;
so as not to upset the balance,
not to quarrel,
not to break relationships that are barely held up,
not to show the most instinctive and wild part of me,
not to show others my frailties,
my desire to be completely myself,
in spite of the rules,
common sense,
How much distance we learn to put between what we want and what we achieve,
between what we imagine and what we live,
between what we are and what we must be.
But sometimes it is tiring to be good,
to be patient,
sometimes it is tiring to hold back,
to fill a role;
I would like to empty myself of every filter that age has imposed on me,
I would like to be like children who do not know that some things should not be said and so,
they say everything.
Who knows where the freedom that we sacrifice with the passing of time goes,
the words crushed inside to keep them from coming out,
who knows where the parts of us that we have given to the wrong people,
that we have not kept.
Who knows where the pieces of heart we have let go go,
the fragments of the crumpled soul we have inside...