🌹💛We got lost to know how to find ourselves,
We find ourselves having lost the past,
The day became night,
dreams come true,
fantasies of wet sheets,
Our moans became a guide between longed-for kisses,
Our sweaty bodies united us without even thinking about what we were going through,
The spoken words became forms in deeds,
In a room without corners that has not been traveled,
He ran but our moment stopped making eternal time between groans of lust,
We will be a prisoner of this sentence that we will pay forever in each encounter that destiny allows us to continue reaching the gates of heaven that open like your legs letting me in,
making us one with beginning without end until we vanish in our chest of accelerated hearts just looking for that breathed to continue to where no one else has come That only you and I know the path of this beautiful madness that we live together...