







2021年11月28日 星期日

🔞A good lip meal... +01

📚🧡A good lip meal... 🧡📖

🌹🧡A good lip meal begins very, 
very soft, 
delighting you, 
in a very delicate way, 
as if it were the best of delicacies 
and it was full of that delicacy, 
the one you eat. 
As your breathing becomes agitated, 
as your body feels like it burns inside you, 
your moans will increase both 
in intensity and in frequency. 
It is the moment to become much wilder, 
more passionate, 
more abrupt, 
more perverted ... 
And it is when she, 
in those moments, 
begins to lose her head and the notion of time, 
feeling everything more and 
more intensely, 
wanting to feel that volcano 
that is forging so intensely inside.

I loved looking into his eyes and 
seeing his look of lust and 
his look of "C abron don't stop now 
and take me to the end, 
otherwise I'll take your hvos and 
squeeze them until I burst", 
it was just how I liked having her, 
surrendered to me, 
my pleasures, 
my way of doing it driving her crazy 
over and over again. 
I loved to eat it because I ate it whole, 
I did not limit myself only to her clitoris, 
but I played with her lips, 
passing my tongue all over them, 
going through each fold, 
each cell, 
so that I could feel my desire 
as my tongue passed through them... 
She was pulling them with my lips, 
feeling her body twist. 
I introduced my tongue inside her, 
moving it in time with the movement 
of her pelvis, 
feeling how her legs pressed 
against my head. 
She would insert my fingers, 
moving them inside her, 
very slowly at first, 
making her feel like wanting more 
until my movements made her wetness gush out, 
along with her screaming and her orgasms. 
He liked her a lot, 
to tell the truth she loved her, 
she did it very well and went completely crazy, 
knowing that it was the beginning 
of a long session of lust and pleasure... 
