







2021年8月28日 星期六

🌹🖤One day Courage met Fear +01

🌹🖤One day Courage met Fear and said to her:

“When will you decide to cross that bridge to get over to my side? You've been standing there on the edge of a precipice for days, staring into space. "

Fear replied:
"I can't move. Believe me, I would like to cross this bridge to join you but I can't. I'm afraid I'll stay here forever."

"Yes, can you know what scares you so much? The bridge is safe, it won't collapse."

"I have a feeling that if I move from where I am now something will go wrong. Where I am now I feel safer, I know everything around me, I am used to it by now."

"So are you okay where you are, that is, are you happy?".

"No, I think happiness is elsewhere".

"So what are you waiting for to move? Habit, unhappiness, staying with your feet planted on the ground despite your body asking you to fly, sooner or later kill. You have to move to survive. You want to know how I managed to fly. to transform myself from Fear into Courage? ".

"Are you telling me that you haven't always been Courage?".

"No, I too was like you once, 
I too found myself on your side and I thought it would be better to never move, 
never change. 
Then I understood. 
I realized that I would not have wanted to die knowing I hadn't I saw what was elsewhere. 
I realized that it was all in my head: 
I was convinced that I was destined to stay where I was, 
that nothing could change. 
I took a deep breath and took the first step. 
And then another step, 
and another. 
And taking each step became easier, 
less tiring, 
less frightening. 
Eventually I got to the exact point I wanted to get to. 
There I discovered that anyone can become Courage because we have the strength to take the first step inside, 
we just have to find it and bring it out. 
Find it Fear, 
find it that strength and hold it. 
She will guide you to me."🖤💖💗💕💓💘💞💝
