🌹🧡He won't say good morning to you anymore,
nor goodnight.
He will no longer ask you how you are or what you do.
He won't tell you he misses you,
that he thinks of you, that you are beautiful.
He will no longer reach you where you are
you told him you were.
Because you won't write to him anymore either.
Won't you give him a good morning and a thought of you,
of a message from you will no longer wake him up in the morning.
You won't tell him you miss him
or that you are going to the grocery store,
nor that you're cleaning up or listening to the same song
for the twentieth time.
He will not know that you will never get used to his absence and that a piece of you will remain with him forever.
Silence is the only answer left to you.
A deafening silence that you cannot decipher, but which you will have to get used to ...🧡💖💗💕💓💘💞💝