







2020年4月5日 星期日

📚Letter to a Stranger📖 +01

📚Letter to a Stranger📖
There are clouds in the sky today.
Do you see them?
Maybe it will rain.
Maybe it won't
and all this gray
that parades up there,
it will only have served to darken
another day.
The wind doesn't dance.
The air is motionless,
almost asleep.
I feel the waiting time,
of things that are about to happen,
this will happen, hope,
You want.
Annoying ideas
that look like little follies,
that I am.
And you know it.
How to get started
to think of someone?
How come you rediscover yourself
with the head besieged
by someone?
How come I feel full of you?
I don't know your voice
the profile of your face,
Your braids of hair.
What color are they?
Your hands.
They are smooth and large
enough to cure
my soul, cradle my heart?
Or strong enough
to challenge life with your fists
And the eyes.
They belong to those
who know how to collect
in their depth
all the blue sky?
Or, they look like windows
smaller take the world
so close to pain?
Sturdy nests where to lie down
sweet / bitter thoughts?
Or rather sudden bites
that grabs the body
leading to sin?
I do not know.
I don't know anything about you.
Yet something
of your being unknown to me
it is so similar
to capture me intimately.
Have you ever felt such a desire?
A racket in the mind,
hot breath
blowing into the holes
of consciousness
with such force
that leaves you helpless?
I dream you,
when there is nothing left
to dream. I look for you,
when I have no other way
to go if not that
of the throbbing Chase.
I want you at night.
In the hours to sleep
like a bum
he wanders craving happy houses.
Slowly a caress,
then another, they trace
your desires on the skin.
I'll take you, I'll let you go.
Now I gather the last thoughts,
I'm for you.
For all that I don't know.
There are clouds in the sky today.
Do you see them?
Maybe it will rain. Maybe not,
and this gray that parades up there
it will only have served to darken
another day.
Another without you.
This kiss will be sweet
for your mouth
and the next for my heart.
