







2020年4月13日 星期一

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr Shames China’s Information Tsar: ‘Always The Right Time To Drag A Communist’


FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr Shames China’s Information Tsar: ‘Always The Right Time To Drag A Communist’

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr Shames China’s Information Tsar: ‘Always The Right Time To Drag A Communist’
Chris White 
Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr provided China’s information tsar several examples of her country’s work suppressing whistleblowers after she praised her country’s freedoms.
Carr criticized China’s Director of the Foreign Ministry Information Hua Chunying on Thursday night, telling his followers in a Friday morning tweet afterward that “it is always the right time to drag a communist.” He was responding to a Chunying tweet railing against the United States.
“Welcome to China anytime and talk to anyone in the streets to enjoy the freedom,” she told her followers Thursday. “BTW Where is freedom & transparency when Captain Crozier was dismissed for a letter to save thousands of lives and medical workers fired for talking about working conditions?”
Chunying was referring to former USS Theodore Roosevelt Captain Brett Crozier, who was relieved of his command after the letter he wrote, pleading for relief as coronavirus spread rapidly through his carrier, went public.
Sailors on board the Theodore Roosevelt hailed him as a hero as he left. He later tested positive for the virus himself. Carr took exception to Chunying’s characterization.
Carr listed several Chinese citizens with whom he’d like to speak about China’s freedoms.
“First, I would like to speak with Dr. AI Fen. She worked at Wuhan Central Hospital and tried to sound the alarm on the virus. Could you un-disappear her so we could speak?” he asked, referring to a doctor who told the public about the threat coronavirus posed to the world.
Carr then asked to speak to Li Zehua, who “worked as a journalist in Wuhan and refused to stay silent on Covid In his last report, he live-streamed his own arrest. Could you un-disappear him so we could speak?”
The FCC is reportedly considering revoking the ability for China Telecom to perform telecommunications between the United States and China.

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Image (modified): Gage Skidmore
